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Free Printable Homework Pass Set for K-12 Teachers

Plus ideas for using them.

Set of four free printable homework passes on a blue background with school supplies

The homework pass just might be the most coveted of all school rewards. It’s easy for teachers too, since it doesn’t cost a thing. Make it even easier to hand out homework passes with our free printable set of two options, each in two styles. Just fill out the form on this page to grab them.

Homework can be a surprisingly controversial topic. While many assume it’s just a natural part of a child’s education, others feel that homework isn’t all it’s cracked up to be . As we seek to encourage a better work-life balance for adults, is it possible homework is sending the wrong message to kids ?

That being said, very few schools have banned homework altogether , and it does have its benefits. It’s especially useful in subjects like math and reading, where students profit from lots of skills practice. Sometimes, though, it’s nice to offer kids a break with no penalty, or at least the chance to postpone their assignment to a better night. That’s where the homework pass comes in.

Homework Pass Options

Our free printable homework passes come in two options, with styles for both elementary and middle/high school:

  • No Homework: This pass allows kids to skip a homework assignment, with no penalty to their grade.
  • One Day Late: This one gives them an extra day to turn in their work, which can be really helpful if they have a busy night of after-school activities or aren’t feeling well.

Most teachers put some limitations on their homework passes, specifying that they’re for certain assignments only. (You don’t want to give a student a free pass on a big project or paper.) Make sure you explain any restrictions when you hand yours out.

Some teachers give every student a certain number of passes to use each semester or year. Others use them as rewards or prizes for in-class competitions or quizzes.

Get Your Free Printable Homework Passes!

However you choose to use them, you can grab your free homework pass printable set by filling out this quick form.

Do you ever reward students with a homework pass? Come share your thoughts and ask for advice in the We Are Teachers HELPLINE group on Facebook .

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The Benefits of Using Student Reward Coupons for Classroom Management

Middle school classroom management requires a teacher to have many different strategies at their fingertips. Add the homework pass strategy to your classroom management plan to help engage and reward students from the 2 Peas and a Dog blog.

Have you considered using student reward coupons for classroom management?

Using student reward coupons in the middle school classroom can have many benefits, such as promoting positive student behaviour and boosting motivation.

Rewarding students for good behaviour will encourage them to continue their positive actions. Students could get student reward coupons for following directions, actively participating in class discussions, or showing kindness. Plus, students are often motivated by immediate, tangible rewards.

When you offer student reward coupons to students that reward them with something they’d like (such as a computer pass, getting to chew gum in class, or an extension on a project), it can encourage them to engage more in the class and exhibit positive behaviour.

Other benefits of using student reward coupons include:

  • Improving student-teacher relationships
  • Encouraging classroom community
  • Individualized learning and differentiation
  • Providing immediate feedback
  • Saving money on prizes
  • Enhancing student focus
  • Encouraging goal-setting

When you reward positive actions and effort, you create more opportunities to interact with students positively, strengthening your relationship with students. Not only that, but students feel recognized and included. When students know they’ll be recognized and rewarded for something they’ve done, the class can become more supported, respectful, and engaged, continuing to build community within the classroom.

Students have different preferences, so if you have one student you know will love extra computer time and another who would like to wear their hat during class, you can cater your coupons to their needs and learning styles.

When you hand out reward coupons, it typically happens during positive behaviour, which means students receive immediate feedback and recognition of good behaviour or achievement. Plus, you save money as the teacher as reward coupons can be for privileges or classroom experiences that cost nothing.

Lastly, you can encourage focus and goal-setting with students through student reward coupons. Students will be more focused on the material when you give them out to reward students for engaging with the classroom material (such as participating in discussions, completing a challenging assignment, or achieving a milestone). Plus, they can decide when and how to use their earned student reward coupon.

My Experience With Homework Passes

One year after returning from winter break, I surprised all my students with a HAPPY NEW YEAR homework pass. I rarely handed out paper homework passes because I was trying to reduce my class’s paper consumption. Students had received only three paper homework passes that year: Welcome Back, Happy Birthday, and Happy New Year.

Ultimately, I used a class list as my homework pass tracker. Next to the student’s name, I write HWP (short for Home Work Pass) in what would normally be the grade box. At least 10 or 15 boxes per student were on my class list, which saved a TON of little homework pass papers flying around. When the student used a homework pass, I diagonally crossed off one of their HWP boxes.

Students get so excited when they get a homework pass. However, the majority of my students do not use them. Instead, they like to collect them throughout the year to see how many they can collect and not use. One year, I taught some of the same students from the previous year and they asked me on the first day of school if their homework passes carry over!

I share more details on my homework pass program and other classroom management ideas in my guest blog post at The Resourceful Room .

Getting Students to Use Their Student Reward Coupons

In case your students are like mine and you want to get them to actually use their student reward coupons during the school year (because, no, they do not carry over), there are some strategies you can implement:

  • Assign an expiration date for each coupon (to the end of the month, semester, or school year).
  • Offer bonus coupons that can only be redeemed during a specific time frame.
  • Have a day where students can cash in their coupons.
  • Set a rule that students can only hold onto so many coupons before getting more (for example, once they receive four rewards, they must redeem two before getting any more). 
  • Create a coupon wall where students can add their names once redeeming a student reward coupon.

When you ensure that the reward is something students will want to use right away, chances are they’ll redeem their student reward coupons as soon as possible!

homework pass teachers pay teachers

Ways to Create Student Reward Coupons

Other ways you can use student reward coupons without using paper include:

Using a digital platform like Google Slides or Docs to create coupons. Share them with students via a class platform (Google Classroom, Canvas, etc.), and students can track them digitally.

Keep a digital or physical log to track which coupons students have earned. You can update it when students redeem rewards, and this eliminates the need for paper coupons.

Laminate a set of reward coupons that you can hand out temporarily. Students give them back after they use them to be reused by another student.

Create QR Codes. Instead of physical coupons, you could create a QR code for your coupons. Create unique QR codes that link to specific student reward coupons, and students can scan them to see what reward they’ve earned. Some students might enjoy the surprise.

This saves paper and adds a fun, tech-based element to your system – track which rewards are scanned by pairing your QR codes with a Google Form. Ask students to submit their names with the scanned reward, and you can easily keep track.

Try These Ready-Made Student Reward Coupons In Your Classroom

This Student Reward Coupons resource is a set of 12 different student reward coupons/reward passes that can be used alongside with your classroom management program to encourage and praise good behaviour, work completion, attention to task completion, etc.

The image shows Student Reward Coupons for Classroom Management. The coupons are for a homework pass, with a piece of paper and a pencil image; a switch seats pass, with a student desk picture; and a project extension pass, with a pen and a scribble image.

Simply print the coupons, store them in a clear plastic bag and hand them out to students as needed. These rewards are free for the teacher to implement and maintain. Keep students motivated by using these engaging classroom reward coupons. Great for all students to keep them motivated and engaged in their learning.

To make printing more accessible, six passes of each student reward coupon are on each page. If you want to reuse the passes, laminate them and when students redeem them, they will be easier to use again.

Here’s what teachers have said about these student reward coupons:

“Students earn these by gaining rewards and they have been a great incentive in the classroom.” – Rachael G. “This is just what I was looking for. They are just the right price and saved me so much time not having to make my own! Thank you!” – Emily W.

You can find these Student Reward Coupons / Reward Passes on Shopify CAD or Teachers Pay Teachers USD .

For more posts on classroom management, click the links below: 

  • Top Classroom Management Tips
  • Effective Middle School Classroom Management
  • Great Classroom Management Strategies For Middle School
  • The Importance of Effective Middle School Classroom Management
  • Effective Middle School Classroom Management Resources for Teachers
  • Classroom Management Routines and Procedures For Middle and High School Classrooms

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1 thought on “The Benefits of Using Student Reward Coupons for Classroom Management”

' src=

K-Hope you are feeling better soon! I love the idea for the passes! I don't do this because I expect homework to be done and I give students plenty of time to get it finished and handed in on time. I do use something similar to you though..I stopped having a prize box this year and I have a set of cards…I got the idea from PINTEREST..and I laminated them. Things like, Special Supply Box, Specialty Seating, Wear a Hat in Class, Wear your IPOD in class. The kids LOVE it. I keep track of them in a method similar to yours…but I do hand out the pass…the kids love picking one out and then they have to submit it when they want to redeem it. I guess I don't worry too much because I laminated them, so they will get used again and again. This has motivated my students much more than the regular "pull something out of the prize box" and it has cost me next to nothing! Get better soon!

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Differentiated Teaching

Why I stopped giving homework passes & my students loved it!

For years (literally, like 7 of them), homework passes were my go-to reward. Had a birthday, I gave you a Birthday Pass. Did something above and beyond? I rewarded you with a pass. Get the picture? It was pretty bad…or good, depending on your viewpoint. About a year ago, I had an epiphany.

Why you should rethink homework passes and what you should consider trying instead

As I am sure you know, there is a plethora of research on homework.

There are those in the Alfie Kohn camp , who argue homework has no educational purpose. Then there are those who suggest that without it, there just isn’t enough time in the day to build all the necessary academic skills.

However, neither of these camps actually swayed my decision. Keep reading to find out why I no longer give homework passes & what I do instead.

Why I stopped giving homework passes

So why did I give up on passes?

While they weren’t causing any major issues, they also weren’t serving any purpose. In fact, they were working against my goals.

I stopped giving these passes because it gave the impression that I didn’t see the homework as purposeful or valuable.

Why am I giving it if I am willing to let you skip it?

A homework pass tells students that homework doesn’t matter. They can skip it on a whim just by trading in a ticket. Some students used these appropriately – when they forgot an assignment or had a busy night and couldn’t quite finish. However, most did not.

Homework passes tell students that the assignment itself is a punishment.

Instead, I want my students to be getting value from their assignments…perhaps even (GASP!!) enjoying it.

Student completing homework homework passes

How do I handle things now that I quit giving homework passes?

At my campus, homework is required for all students starting in first grade so eliminating homework wasn’t an option. While I may have wanted to, it just wasn’t a choice for me. Instead, I decided to take a different route.

I decided to incorporate choice . I believe that choice is one of the biggest transformational factors we can incorporate into our classrooms. So the first thing I did was change the assignments to give students options.

For me, this came in the form of homework choice boards, which we called Homework BINGO .

Homework Choice Boards

Homework choice boards offer me the opportunity to differentiate while being sure students were practicing the essential skills required by my school – like math facts and consistently reading at home.

When I introduced the new homework format, the students LOVED it! It was the first time they felt like they had any control over their school assignments.

How do Homework Choice Boards work?

I knew homework should focus on practicing skills that students have already learned. Many students don’t have a parent to help them with homework, and they don’t need to be trying to master new skills without support.

I also don’t want to set families up for added stress because they aren’t available to help as much as they would like. It just isn’t great for building home-school relationships , you know?

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That’s why I set up the assignments in each square of the choice board to be something they should already know how to do independently.

Reading, writing, math – the basics. I knew if my students continued to build on the basics at home they could do the more challenging tasks at school more easily.

I created the options on the Homework BINGO boards to be familiar but to push students slightly out of their comfort zone. For example, about half of the squares on the board were reading and writing activities, but each square is different.

The option in one square might be 15 minutes of reading about a famous person.

Another square is reading a book of your own choice. They are both reading, but now the students have options and parents can be in control of differentiating based on what works for their lifestyle.

Differentiated Homework

I did the same thing for writing, math, and spelling (all our required homework components).

So what are the rules of Homework BINGO?

I urge the students to make a variety of choices in order to earn BINGO each week. However, I do not make this a requirement. Instead, each student must finish 10 of the 25 squares.

I offer an incentive for those earning BINGO – a chance to earn line leader the following week. Since this is a pretty hot commodity in my classroom, I get many students trying to enter the competition.

Flexible homework options

Regardless of whether they get BINGO, students have their choice board signed by an adult and return it on Friday. That’s it! I pass out a new board on Monday, and students glue it into their take-home journal and we start the process again.

And what do your students and parents think about it?

You wouldn’t believe how many students describe their homework as fun!

And the parents?

Let’s just say I get a LOT less parent communication about homework now.

Over the years, I’ve heard it all.

“You give too much homework.”

“Can you give us some extra assignments? We need more homework.”

With the Homework BINGO boards, parents can differentiate for their children. The ball is in their court with how much homework to give beyond the minimum expectations.

I even get comments during parent conferences about how much they like the homework and how they see their children challenging themselves to try something new.

Definitely not something I ever imagined happening.

My replacement for homework passes – Choice Boards

Of course, I still have rewards in my room. I’ve adjusted them so they don’t undermine the joy of learning as the passes did.

Homework Passes homework passes

Popular choices these days include:

  • Shoes off math – a carry-over from my own 2nd-grade teacher, Mr. Hammer, who was WAY ahead of his time
  • Use markers or crayons instead of pencils on an assignment
  • Flashlight reading

Basically, I have decided to give other choices that are exciting to the students. The funny thing is, I don’t miss homework passes…and neither do my students. My homework process is smoother, and my students are interested in participating.

Homework choice boards

Want to try the BINGO choice boards in your classroom?

Want to give this differentiated homework option a try? It is currently available in my Teachers Pay Teachers store.

You can get Homework BINGO here .

It contains weekly homework sheets aligned with a September to May school year. Each week has a slightly different set of options that go with monthly themes and holidays.

Homework BINGO is also editable to allow you to align tasks to your unit plans and practice your students need to be successful. This means you can provide differentiated homework menus to fit your classroom each year.

Homework choice boards

I’d love to hear more about homework in your classroom. Do you still use homework passes?

Looking for more articles on how to differentiate for your students?

Check out the links below:

  • 5 simple strategies to support struggling learners in science & social studies
  • How to differentiate reading for struggling learners

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Homework Pass EDITABLE

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These are ready-to-print homework passes ( 8 passes per sheet ) for your students, perfect to use with your classroom management system. There are  three  versions:

  • PDF Print & Reuse Version  – This has wording already embedded into the homework pass. This version would be useful if you plan on reusing the homework passes after students redeem them. Just print multiple copies on colored card stock, laminate, and cut.
  • PDF Print & Use Version  – This has fill-in-the-blank wording already embedded into the homework pass. This version would be useful if you plan on handing out personalized homework passes for students to redeem. Just print multiple copies on colored paper and cut.
  • Editable Version   – This version includes a text box with wording already typed in. Just click in the text box to change the text and font as needed.  Please note that the title “Homework Pass” is not editable .

Quick Tip:   If you want to maximize the margin space when printing (so you have less to cut off around the edges), save the editable PowerPoint version as a PDF. Then depending on your printer, you can set the printing setting to “Actual Size” or “Custom Scale” it to around 95%, give or take. By doing this, the homework passes will print as close to the edge of the paper as possible.


This resource is for PERSONAL and for use in a SINGLE CLASSROOM only. It cannot be shared with others without purchasing additional licenses. Licenses can be purchased at a discount by indicating the number of licenses desired in the cart when checking out. Thank you for respecting my work!

Copyright (C) Raising Scholars. All Rights Reserved.

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Free Printable Homework Pass Set for K-12 Teachers

homework pass teachers pay teachers

The homework pass just might be the most coveted of all school rewards. It’s easy for teachers too, since it doesn’t cost a thing. Make it even easier to hand out homework passes with our free printable set of two options, each in two styles. Just fill out the form on this page to grab them.

Homework can be a surprisingly controversial topic. While many assume it’s just a natural part of a child’s education, others feel that homework isn’t all it’s cracked up to be . As we seek to encourage a better work-life balance for adults, is it possible homework is sending the wrong message to kids ?

That being said, very few schools have banned homework altogether , and it does have its benefits. It’s especially useful in subjects like math and reading, where students profit from lots of skills practice. Sometimes, though, it’s nice to offer kids a break with no penalty, or at least the chance to postpone their assignment to a better night. That’s where the homework pass comes in.

Homework Pass Options

Our free printable homework passes come in two options, with styles for both elementary and middle/high school:

  • No Homework: This pass allows kids to skip a homework assignment, with no penalty to their grade.
  • One Day Late: This one gives them an extra day to turn in their work, which can be really helpful if they have a busy night of after-school activities or aren’t feeling well.

Most teachers put some limitations on their homework passes, specifying that they’re for certain assignments only. (You don’t want to give a student a free pass on a big project or paper.) Make sure you explain any restrictions when you hand yours out.

Some teachers give every student a certain number of passes to use each semester or year. Others use them as rewards or prizes for in-class competitions or quizzes.

Get Your Free Printable Homework Passes!

However you choose to use them, you can grab your free homework pass printable set by filling out this quick form.

Do you ever reward students with a homework pass? Come share your thoughts and ask for advice in the We Are Teachers HELPLINE group on Facebook .

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Homework Pass

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Homework pass – perfect prize!

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Every year, this is the most coveted prize for my class. A homework pass is something that keeps my class motivated throughout the school year.

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Available in colour or black and white (8 per page)

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  1. Homework Pass by Jaime Smith

    Homework pass to use for rewarding students. For good grades, behaviors, or for prizes in class. I use Publisher and print 10 homework passes on one page. Before you give them out, put a little initial on them in colored ink so you can be sure there are no copycats. :)...

  2. Math Homework Pass & Worksheets

    Browse math homework pass resources on Teachers Pay Teachers, a marketplace trusted by millions of teachers for original educational resources. Menu. About Us; Gift Cards; Help; ... These are homework passes to give students when they pass 5 lessons on iReady Math! This is for a Math homework pass, including directions for attaching to homework

  3. Homework Pass by Historical Thinkers

    A homework pass for students that can be submitted for bonus points at the end of the grading period. Preview formatting looks strange, but it downloads normally. ... Teachers Pay Teachers is an online marketplace where teachers buy and sell original educational materials. More About Us. Facebook. Instagram. Pinterest. Twitter. About.

  4. Free Printable Homework Pass Set for K-12 Teachers

    May 1, 2024. The homework pass just might be the most coveted of all school rewards. It's easy for teachers too, since it doesn't cost a thing. Make it even easier to hand out homework passes with our free printable set of two options, each in two styles. Just fill out the form on this page to grab them.

  5. TpT School Access

    The resources teachers need, when they need them. TPT School Access is a school-wide subscription from TPT that empowers educators with essential teacher-tested resources and interactive learning tools. Login. TPT is the largest marketplace for PreK-12 resources, powered by a community of educators. About Us.

  6. The Magic of a Homework Pass for Classroom Management

    I surprised all of them this morning with a HAPPY NEW YEAR homework pass. I rarely hand out paper homework passes because I am trying to cut down on my class' paper consumption. This year ... Find this resource on Shopify CAD and Teachers Pay Teachers USD. Related Posts. 6 Easy Classroom Games for Those Last Few Minutes.

  7. Why I stopped giving homework passes and what I do instead

    My replacement for homework passes - Choice Boards. Of course, I still have rewards in my room. I've adjusted them so they don't undermine the joy of learning as the passes did. Popular choices these days include: Shoes off math - a carry-over from my own 2nd-grade teacher, Mr. Hammer, who was WAY ahead of his time.

  8. Homework Pass EDITABLE

    These are ready-to-print homework passes (8 passes per sheet) for your students, perfect to use with your classroom management system. There are three versions: PDF Print & Reuse Version - This has wording already embedded into the homework pass. This version would be useful if you plan on reusing the homework passes after students redeem them.

  9. Free Printable Homework Pass

    The homework pass can then be used in place of one homework assignment. Children will love the brightly colored, fun alien images! Teachers can sign the homework pass and hand out to students as a reward for good behavior, a job well done or even as a birthday or holiday treat! There are five different designs for each page of the homework passes.

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    Give out these cute Valentine's Day homework passes to reward your students for their hard work. The passes measure 5x4 inches and there are four different designs and backgrounds. Just print on 8 1/2 x 11 copy paper. File is a PDF and is not editable. Graphics by Trina Clark.

  11. 10 Teachers Pay Teachers ideas

    Dec 11, 2020 - Explore Hannah Bugh's board "Teachers Pay Teachers", followed by 136 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about teacher pay teachers, teachers, teacher newsletter.

  12. Homework Pass Template } Editable

    Browse over 1,030 educational resources created by One Stop Teacher Shop in the official Teachers Pay Teachers store. Browse over 1,030 educational resources created by One Stop Teacher Shop in the official Teachers Pay Teachers store. ... homework pass for those who have good grades at the end of the quarter. Jennifer Anne. Teaching Portfolio ...

  13. Free Printable Homework Pass Set for K-12 Teachers

    The homework pass just might be the most coveted of all school rewards. It's easy for teachers too, since it doesn't cost a thing. Make it even easier to hand out homework passes with our free printable set of two options, each in two styles. Just fill out the form on this page to grab them. Homework can be a surprisingly controversial topic.

  14. Amazon.com: Homework Passes For Teachers

    Amazon.com: homework passes for teachers. Skip to main content.us. Delivering to Lebanon 66952 Update location All. Select the department you want to search in ...

  15. 56 Homework passes ideas

    Mar 26, 2017 - Explore Kathy Jones-Jackowski's board "Homework passes", followed by 130 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about homework pass, homework, teaching.

  16. Homework

    Browse homework on Teachers Pay Teachers, a marketplace trusted by millions of teachers for original educational resources. Log In Join. Cart is empty. Total: $0.00. View Wish List. View Cart. Grade. Elementary. ... Perfect for math homework, morning work, math centers, or daily math warm-ups. All pages are 100% EDITABLE and easy to ...

  17. Homework Pass for teachers or Students.

    Homework Pass for teachers or Students. 0 reviews . 14. Vaughnator @Vaughnator_1659497 Follow Following. A homework pass for teachers to hand out or students who are sneaky enough to pass it to a sub. Download. Like . Share. Facebook Twitter Reddit Pinterest. Copy link. 2 . 12 . 1 . 86 . updated January 25, 2024 . Details. Files. 1;

  18. Homework Pass

    Description. Every year, this is the most coveted prize for my class. A homework pass is something that keeps my class motivated throughout the school year. Free download. Available in colour or black and white (8 per page) Quick Links. - Curriculum.

  19. Homework Pass by Laura Thompson

    This is something that you can print out and give to students for winning table points, for doing a great job, working hard, or who just need an overall break. it allows them to turn it into you whenever they want to skip an everyday homework assignment (make sure to make that clear when you hand ...

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  21. PDF PASS To be used in place of one homework assignment. Signed

    PASS To be used in place of one homework assignment. Signed: @AcbvftiesForK'ds.c0'n PASS To be used in place of one homework assignment. Signed: HOMEWORK PASS To be used in place of one homework assignment. Signed: OAcbwüesEorKJds.com HOMEWORK PASS To be used in place of one homework assignment. Signed: @AcOvitjes.eorKids.com HOMEWORK PASS

  22. National Convention Pyramid Activity by Jwood Education

    Allow students to demonstrate their understanding of the National Convention by writing down facts they have learned in class based on what they feel is most important and least important through a pyramid chart.