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Home ⇛ international research journal of science, technology, education, and management ⇛ vol. 1 no. 1 (2021), flexible learning as a new designed pedagogy: the nursing students’ lived experiences.

Kristine A. Condes | Anamae G. Quezon

The compelled shift of pedagogy design in nursing education as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic has brought some disparities and challenges in the program, more specifically to the students. The purpose of this study is to explore the lived experiences of nursing students with flexible learning. Using a qualitative phenomenological research design, a one-on-one interview via zoom has been utilized to understand the perception and views of six nursing students who qualified in the inclusion criteria set by the researchers. Specifically, it gives light on their views of flexible learning, the challenges they encountered, and their adaptation methods. The findings show that participants experienced difficulties and made huge adjustments in their routines and approaches to learning. The absence of clinical exposure and the gap in skills and related learning experience in nursing education is their most concerning aspect. However, even with all the gaps and limitations of flexible learning, it also offers unique advantages to them. Participants cited flexibility, self-paced learning, self-discipline, time management, convenience, and time for the family were their positive experiences. The result draws four thematic insights from the experiences of the participants: Sudden Shift of Learning Design is a Tough Change, Gap in the Practical Component of Nursing Education, Flexible Learning is Taking Shape, and Staying Positive with Creative Outlets. The study recommends that nursing institutions and organizations should look into the limitation of resources among nursing students and come up with programs and strategies that would address the gap of skills and practical components in nursing education. Acknowledgment of these limitations should make the nursing schools and administrators come up with some alternatives in the delivery of education as the students adjust to the new learning design.

research about flexible learning in the philippines

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research about flexible learning in the philippines

A Social Critical Analysis on Philippine Higher Education in the Time of COVID-19 Pandemic Toward a Framework on Flexible Learning

  • Conference paper
  • First Online: 30 July 2023
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research about flexible learning in the philippines

  • Alvin A. Sario 13 ,
  • Elcid A. Serrano 14 &
  • Ramon L. Rodriguez   ORCID: 15  

Part of the book series: Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems ((LNNS,volume 694))

Included in the following conference series:

  • International Congress on Information and Communication Technology

523 Accesses

The global pandemic significantly affects the higher education institution’s delivery of its mandate to educational stakeholders. The emergency shift from face-to-face to flexible modality causes different university problems. The need to evaluate the status quo of the delivery of education in the Philippines is essential to understand the present scenario and propose a framework that is anchored on a pedagogical perspective and educational philosophy. Several proposed models and theories were reviewed as a basis for the proposed framework, and the research employs social critical analysis as the method of the study. The study presents the status of flexible learning in the Philippines, its challenges, and possible recommendations based on the development education principle. The proposed framework on flexible learning intends to exemplify strategies for efficiency and effectiveness of the delivery considering the context of the Philippine higher education system, institutions, teachers, students, and other academic stakeholders.

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University of Santo Tomas, Legazpi, Philippines

Alvin A. Sario

Mapua University, Manila, Philippines

Elcid A. Serrano

National University, Manila, Philippines

Ramon L. Rodriguez

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Correspondence to Ramon L. Rodriguez .

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Department of Design Engineering and Mathematics, Middlesex University London, London, UK

Xin-She Yang

Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Reading, England, UK

R. Simon Sherratt

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Techno International Newtown, Chakpachuria, West Bengal, India

Nilanjan Dey

Global Knowledge Research Foundation, Ahmedabad, India

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Sario, A.A., Serrano, E.A., Rodriguez, R.L. (2023). A Social Critical Analysis on Philippine Higher Education in the Time of COVID-19 Pandemic Toward a Framework on Flexible Learning. In: Yang, XS., Sherratt, R.S., Dey, N., Joshi, A. (eds) Proceedings of Eighth International Congress on Information and Communication Technology. ICICT 2023. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 694. Springer, Singapore.

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Published : 30 July 2023

Publisher Name : Springer, Singapore

Print ISBN : 978-981-99-3090-6

Online ISBN : 978-981-99-3091-3

eBook Packages : Engineering Engineering (R0)

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Higher Education Students' Challenges on Flexible Online Learning Implementation in the Rural Areas: A Philippine Case

  • Thessalou E. Gocotano
  • Mae Anthoneth L. Jerodiaz
  • Jenny Claire P. Banggay
  • Harold B. Rey Nasibog
  • Marivel B. Go

The COVID-19 Pandemic has led Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the Philippines to replace on-campus learning with flexible learning. This paper explores the students' challenges on flexible online learning implementation of the university in the rural area based on their background and experience. This employed quantitative and qualitative methods through a survey and an interview respectively sought to gather data from 639 university students. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics and narrative analysis. Results revealed that most mothers are high school graduates, while fathers enjoy an elementary-level and belong to under low-income families. Most students possess just mobile phones and use mobile data as their primary internet access source, ranging from moderate to poor connection. Also, the majority are not fully equipped with enough skills in digital media. For challenges, students experienced the unavailability of a network, economic instability, digital divide, the shortage of digital devices, distractive learning environment, expensive internet data, health-related problems, lack of resources, lack of digital literacy skills, and loss of motivation .Hence, even if flexible online learning is the best solution for the university to replace face-to-face classes, it is not best applicable and suitable to all students living in rural areas or other places with an unstable network and students who belong to financially unstable families. Administrators and educators have to consider alternative learning modes that suit students' backgrounds during the pandemic, like using non-digital technologies.

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Copyright (c) 2021 Thessalou E. Gocotano, Mae Anthoneth L. Jerodiaz, Jenny Claire P. Banggay, Harold B. Rey Nasibog, Marivel B. Go

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  1. (PDF) University Student’s Perception and Expectations towards Flexible

    research about flexible learning in the philippines

  2. Flexible Pedagogies During the Educational Disruption in Bicol

    research about flexible learning in the philippines

  3. Learning Differently in LPU: Embracing Flexible Education towards the

    research about flexible learning in the philippines

  4. Blended learning stays in specific areas in Nov: Marcos

    research about flexible learning in the philippines

  5. Flexible Learning Strategies in the Philippines

    research about flexible learning in the philippines

  6. (PDF) Experiences of Filipino Secondary Science Teachers in Assessing

    research about flexible learning in the philippines



    The study assessed the experiences and challenges of the faculty of North Eastern Mindanao State University, Philippines, in the implementation of flexible learning during the pandemic...

  2. Preparing Philippine higher education institutions for ...

    This is a qualitative study that shares the experiences and preparations of universities and colleges in the Philippines during the first four months of shifting to flexible learning as an alternative way to deliver curriculum and instruction at the time of the COVID-19 pandemic.

  3. A Flexible Learning Framework Implementing Asynchronous ...

    Classes cannot be delivered in traditional ways anymore, to mitigate the spread of the virus, until a vaccine is available. This paper provides a framework for local universities and colleges in...


    experiences and challenges of students in the implementation of flexible learning at North Eastern Mindanao State University (NEMSU) Marihatag Offsite class. Deductive thematic analysis was...

  5. Academic Stress and Coping Strategies of Students in Flexible ...

    With the problems and challenges that students are facing, this study finds meaning to look into the stress levels and coping mechanisms utilized by college students in the new normal education setting.

  6. Google Classroom as a Tool of Support for Flexible Learning ...

    Flexible learning unlocked critical areas in redesigning the pre-pandemic learning and teaching paradigm, one of which is the deployment of learning management systems or online platforms to contribute to the effective implementation of flexible learning.

  7. Philippine EJournals| Flexible learning as a new designed ...

    The result draws four thematic insights from the experiences of the participants: Sudden Shift of Learning Design is a Tough Change, Gap in the Practical Component of Nursing Education, Flexible Learning is Taking Shape, and Staying Positive with Creative Outlets.

  8. A Social Critical Analysis on Philippine Higher Education in ...

    The study on flexible learning in the Philippine higher education system is anchored on two relevant contemporary teaching and learning theories and flexible/online/distance education: Anderson’s Theory of Online Learning and Mishra and Koehler’s TPACK Framework.

  9. Glenn S. Lubuguin Dr. Pamela A. Custodio, aProf. Nephtaly ...

    Flexible learning is a learner-centered system that supports the use of various learning delivery modes that are useful, accessible, and responsive to needs of the learners. It has the following qualities: • Learner-Centered or Personalized. Existing literature on flexible learning emphasizes

  10. Higher Education Students' Challenges on Flexible Online ...

    The COVID-19 Pandemic has led Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the Philippines to replace on-campus learning with flexible learning. This paper explores the students' challenges on flexible online learning implementation of the university in the rural area based on their background and experience.