Essay on Kashmir Issue with Outline and Quotations

This post contains an Essay on Kashmir Issue with Outline and Quotations for the students of Class 10, Class 12, FSc, B.A, BSc, Graduation, and others. The same essay could be written under the title Essay on Kashmir Issue or Few Lines about Kashmir. There are many other important essays for different Classes are available here as well. Click here for more Essays. Kashmir Conflict is between India and Pakistan. Now, this issue is a current affair nowadays and this Essay on Kashmir Problem is very important for exams. Here are 2 essay examples the first one is with outline and quotes and the second one is simple and easy.

Kashmir Issue Essay with Outline and Quotes for Students

  • A bone of contention.
  • The right of self-determination.
  • The inexpressible miseries of the Kashmiris.
  • India is projecting the struggle as “Muslim Fundamentalism.”
  • UNO should play an active role.

“Liberty will not descend to a people; It is a blessing that must be earned Before it can be enjoyed.”

Kashmir is a bone of contention between Pakistan and India. The Kashmir issue is the biggest hindrance in the normalization of relations between Pakistan and India. The two countries have fought two full-fledged wars over this issue. In view of its geopolitical significance, India desired to acquire Kashmir when the partition of the sub-continent became inevitable circumstances when the Kashmiri Muslims revolted against the evil designs of India.

“True independence and freedom can only exist in doing what’s right.” (Brigham Young)

Pakistan is of the view that only the people of Kashmir have a right to determine the future of Kashmir. The UN resolutions of August 13, 1948, and January 5, 1949, which were accepted both by India and Pakistan provided for the holding a plebiscite under the UN auspices to settle the Kashmir issue.

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The people of Kashmir have been suffering from inexpressible miseries since 1948. The unending curfew, rape cases, torture cells and crushing of their resources are only the slight expression of their miseries. A new hell can be witnessed in this old heaven. India is projecting the struggle in Kashmir as “Muslim Fundamentalism”. India cannot throw the dust into the eyes of the World Community by labeling the Kashmir Liberation Movement as “Religious fanaticism”. In fact, the Kashmiri people along with their Islamic aspirations are fighting for the protection of their political, religious, cultural and economic rights. It is the expression of the entire community. The Indian authorities have failed to understand the core issue and are trying to deal with it as that of law and order. They link it to terrorism sponsored by Pakistan.

“Be an independent thinker at all times, and ignore anyone who attempts to define you in a limiting way.”   ( Sherry Argov)

The time has come when UNO should play an active role as it has played an Iraq-Kuwait case. The resolutions on Kashmir are yet to be fully implemented. The UNO has lost its repute as peacekeeping and peacemaking body. The unending struggle of the freedom fighters has proved that the will of people cannot be suppressed. It is the moral obligation of the International Community to rescue the innocent Kashmiris from the brutalities, cruelties and atrocities of the occupation army of India. The Muslim Ummah should also come out of its slumber and prove it to the world that Islam is a force which cannot be suppressed.

Essay on Importance of Education is also available here.

02.  Essay on Kashmir Issue and its Solution

Kashmir Dispute / Problem / Issue and Its solution

Kashmir was once said to be a heaven on the earth. But at present, the situation is totally different and the circumstances are worst. In Occupied Kashmir, raping of the Muslim girls and women by the armed forces of Hindustan has become common. The Muslim men and women, and boys and girls are being persecuted to death into the torture cells by the Indian army soldiers.

The innocent Kashmiri Muslims are being killed mercilessly on a large scale. In fact, the Valley of Occupied Kashmir has become a slaughter-house of the Kashmiri Muslims. At present, occupied Kashmir is presenting a terrible spectacle.

The U.N.O. passed two resolutions in 1948 and 1949, which were accepted both by Pakistan and Hindustan, for the holding of a plebiscite under the supervision of U.N.O. to settle the Kashmir issue forever. These two resolutions are still hanging fire.

The Western countries are playing the most condemnable role regarding the Kashmir issue. The politicians of these countries seem to be worried about the pollution, caused by smoke and noise, but it is a matter of great regret that they are not paying any attention to the pollution caused by the blood of the innocent Muslims of occupied Kashmir.

The Hindustan Government has so far used all the possible tools to crush the freedom movement of the Kashmiri Muslims in their own homeland. The rulers of Hindustan have so far failed to understand the real problem. They are trying to deal with the freedom-movement of the Kashmir’s as terrorism against Hindustan.

In fact, the freedom-movement of the Kashmiri’s is the expression of the entire community of Kashmir. The students, the traders, the house-wives, the farmers and the politicians are all one in this freedom-movement. The daily killing of innocent Kashmiris has not demoralized them. It has rather given them a new courage, a new zeal, and new confidence to fight for their rights of self-determination.

The Law enforcing Agencies of Hindustan has crippled countless Muslims in the occupied Kashmir. It appears as if Hindustan will never be prepared to recognize the right of self-determination of the Kashmiris as the rulers of Hindustan are not ready to negotiate and solve the Kashmir Issue under Simla Agreement and U.N.O resolutions.

To conclude, the international community must pressurize Hindustan to accept the justified demand of the Kashmiris. It must impose economic restrictions on Hindustan. It must also use force under U.N.O. The time has now come when U.N.O must play an effective role to solve the Kashmir issue as it has played in Iraq-Kuwait case, otherwise, it can lose its vitality as peace-keeping and peace-making organization in the world.

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Essay on Kashmir Issue

The Kashmir conflict is one of the longest-running disputes in the world. It involves India, Pakistan, and China, who claim different parts of the Himalayan region. The conflict has its roots in the partition of British India in 1947, and has led to wars, violence, and human rights violations. This article will explore the history, causes, and consequences of the Kashmir conflict.

Essay on Kashmir Issue – 200 Words

In recent decades, the Kashmir Issue has been one of the most controversial and divisive issues, with no signs of progress. The current status quo is unsustainable, and this problem must be solved as soon as possible before further conflict erupts from it. When the country of Pakistan was created in 1947, the Kashmiri people wanted to join.

Raja Hari Singh acceded to India, and Sheikh Abdullah supported this decision- but many Kashmiris revolted against it because they were not happy with their fate being decided by a man who did not understand them nor share their culture or religion. The Indian army entered Kashmir, and the Pakistani government began supporting these rebels as well.

A part of Kishangarh had been liberated from Hindu rule. Still, soon after that, a plebiscite for independence was promised by UNO, which also ensured peace between both countries temporarily until an agreement could be reached on how best to divide up what land remained unconquered when all is said.

A large part of the valley is still under occupation by India. The Kashmiris revolted against their occupiers in 1965 and started a war for liberation that Pakistan has prevented them from ending.

Essay on Kashmir Issue – 500 Words

The statement implies that freedom is a fundamental right that every human being should enjoy. However, in the context of the Kashmir issue, the exercise of this right is not equal for everyone. Pakistan seeks to resolve the problem peacefully through UN resolutions that provide for the accession of Kashmir to either country based on the will of the people.

In contrast, India relies solely on the use of force to address the issue, using methods that range from non-lethal weapons like water cannons, tear gas, and pellet guns to lethal force and violence, including incidents of rape. For example, there have been allegations that Indian forces gang-raped two teenage sisters from Pakistan who were gathering firewood near the border.

Such acts are condemned by advocates of peace, regardless of which side perpetrates them. The Kashmir issue is complex and requires a sustainable solution that takes into account the legitimate interests and aspirations of all parties involved, while also respecting human rights and promoting peaceful coexistence.

Essay on Kashmir Issue

The Kashmir issue is the core of contention between Pakistan and India. It has a profound and direct effect on Indo-Pak Relations, peace in South Asia, stability domestically within both countries as well as international recognition for either side–all three are at stake with this conflict that dates back to before the division of South Asian territory into two sovereign states: one Muslim led state (Pakistan) and another Hindu dominated country (India).

The people of Kashmir have been struggling for freedom from Indian rule for more than fifty years now, but they still languish under their oppressive regime without an end in sight. Kashmir is a predominantly Muslim region with an almost even split between Hindus and Muslims.

It’s unclear how the population divide would have been worked out if Kashmir had not joined India during the partition. Still, we know that it includes some of the most scenic sights in Asia, has plentiful natural resources including waterfalls and rivers to rival any other place on earth, yet still struggles with massive poverty as well as violence from both sides.

The state borders Pakistan along its western border while China occupies part of Kashmir’s northern side; however, neither country claims sovereignty over all or parts thereof (despite territorial disputes). More importantly, travelers hoping to visit are essential facts: it suffers from nearly constant unrest due primarily to terrorism-related activities by separatists.

Kashmir is a contemporary example of how people suffer when the world’s most powerful nations are involved in their affairs. It began with Maharaja Hari Singh, who illegally decided to join Kashmir as part of India and then acted barbarically against his subjects.

This led Muslims into Pakistan for refuge; Hindus took advantage and entered armed forces on October 26th, 1947, which has been an unending period of struggle since that time-a fate shared by all its inhabitants, including Punjabis, Dogras, Sindhis, or Pathans living there across the country.

Kashmir is a contemporary example where we can see what happens when some countries use force contrary to international law even if they do so under the claim it was done “for peace.” In this case. There has been an ongoing battle between Pakistan and India over Kashmir for years now, with both sides refusing to give in or back down on the issue.

These latest talks are hopeful in the sense that at least there would be an end to war and brutality.

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essay on kashmir issue in english

Sana Mursleen is a student studying English Literature at Lahore Garrison University (LGU). With her love for writing and humor, she writes essays for Top Study World. Sana is an avid reader and has a passion for history, politics, and social issues.

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English Summary

100 Words Essay On The Kashmir Issue�In English

The Kashmir Issue is one that is complex. It can be traced back to the time of partition. 

After the Partition in 1947, Pakistan emerged as a Muslim-dominated country while India emerged as a secular, democratic country. The province of Kashmir, situated at the border of the two countries, got tangled and entrapped between them.

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Write an essay on Kashmir Issue

The essay on kashmir issue and dispute discusses the recognition of this world problem by uno and the three parties to it, kashmir issue: an outline:.


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Since the partition of the Indian subcontinent into India and Pakistan in 1947, the Kashmir dispute has been an intractable one between them. They fought three wars over it in1948, 1965, and 1999, but have not been able to resolve it. The partition left the fate of over 550 princely states undecided. They were required to accede to either of the two states on the basis of the geographical location and wishes of their people.

The state of Jammu and Kashmir should have acceded to Pakistan because of its Muslim majority population and geographical location, but this was not happened when Mahraja Hari  Singh seek military assistance from India to resist the Pakistani tribal’s attacks and ultimately signed the ‘Instrument of Accession’ with India. Eventually Indian forces intervened and captured the state of Jammu and Kashmir. From that day Kashmir dispute has been the core issue between both Pakistan and India, which also had kept the security of entire South Asia at stake because of their extensive nuclear capability.

So, the Kashmir issue has been a major bone of contention from the day of independence, resulted in three wars, numerous conflicts between India and Pakistan and severely rigid diplomacy. The United Nations Security Council had tried to resolve the dispute by declaring that the accession of Jammu and Kashmir to India or Pakistan should be decided through the democratic method by holding a free and fair plebiscite but India had rejected any mediation which opposed its claim regarding Kashmir.

Kashmir’s strategic importance lies in the fact that its borders meet with China and Afghanistan and also is close to Russia. Almost all the rivers which flow through Pakistan, originate from Kashmir, that’s why both the countries ignore stepping back claiming of this territory.

The failure of diplomacy to resolve the Kashmir issue attracted international and regional attention to it. After the wars of 1948, 1962 and 1965, determined efforts were made to resolve this issue. In 1948, the United Nations became deeply involved but India didn’t show flexibility. After the India-China border War of 1962, there were intense but fruitless American and British efforts to bridge a gap between India and Pakistan. The end of 1965 war saw Soviet Union as a regional peacemaker. The Soviets did manage to promote a peace treaty at Tashkent, but this could not establish peace in the region and soon Indian involvement in East Pakistan led to her separation in 1970-71.

The most consistent feature of great power influence on the Kashmir problem has been its ineffectiveness. Besides Cold war rivalries, both United States and the Soviet Union have played significant, often parallel and cooperative roles in the subcontinent. Both Washington and Moscow made several inconclusive efforts to mediate the dispute or bring about its peaceful resolution, but were distrustful of anything more. It took the 1990 crisis with its nuclear dimension, to bring the United States back to the region.

Soviet Union, United states and China have different policies towards the Kashmir dispute according to their own interests. In the beginning all of them showed neutrality but with the changing world’s politics and dimensions, they formulate their concerns regarding Kashmir. China‘s Kashmir policy has passed through different stages. In first phase, from 1949 to 1960s, China avoided siding with either India or Pakistan; instead it favored a resolution of the issue through peaceful settlements and also opposed the role of UN and United States to mediate Kashmir issue.

The second phase started from early 1960s and lasted till 1970. Sino-Indian border war of 1962 started hostility between India and China resulted close relations with Pakistan. China stood by Pakistan on Kashmir issue with firm support for the right of self determination. But in 1970s, China adopted neutral policy on Kashmir issue as its relations were normal with India; this was reflected during Kargil conflict and Indo-Pak military possible conflict in 2001-2.

The normal relations between India and Pakistan on Kashmir would bring benefits to the United States. Indo-Pak tensions are especially dangerous because they bring two nuclear states on the brink of war. They divert Pakistan from fighting terrorists and militants on their own soils. India and Pakistan need to engage in combined bilateral talks on all important issues. Continuing tensions over Kashmir will weaken any initiative to bring stability to South Asia as well as bring about the risk of a nuclear war. It will be quite right by assuming that Kashmir is the root cause of much of the militancy in South Asia.

It is necessary for international community to realize that peace and stability in South Asia can only be guaranteed if all outstanding disputes between Pakistan and India, including the Kashmir dispute should be resolved because Pakistan has become a frontline state against the Global War of terrorism.The best solution of the Kashmir dispute could be the right of self determination which should be given to Kashmiris in order to give them the right to decide to whom they want to accede.


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