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essay promising sources of energy

Invested in renewables

Cables and batteries: the next big thing?

Integrating renewables into energy networks is a major challenge. here's how the sector is tackling the issue and some innovations to expect in the coming years..

A massive balloon looms over the Italian island of Sardinia. It is full of carbon dioxide, one of the main greenhouse gasses causing dangerous changes to our climate. Energy Dome uses the balloon, which it calls “the dome”, as the key component of its “super-battery”. The Milan-based startup believes the very gas responsible for global warming could play a pivotal role in combatting it.

“Renewables are currently taking the lead in terms of power production, but they come with a catch —the sun doesn’t always shine, and the wind is not always there,” says Paolo Cavallini, Energy Dome’s chief of staff. “At the same time, we need renewable electricity day and night. Hence, we need long-duration energy storage.”

Energy Dome’s balloon battery exploits the fact that, unlike air, carbon dioxide can be liquified under high pressure without the need for energy-intensive cooling. It uses excess energy from the local grid during the day, normally supplied by solar power, to compress and liquify the gas, storing it in steel tanks. The heat generated as a by-product during the process is stored in special Thermal Energy Storage units.

When there’s a need for electricity, the process is reversed. The liquid carbon dioxide is heated through the storage units, turning it back into a gas. The gas passes through a turbine, generating electricity, before going back into “the dome”.

“The whole process is a closed loop, giving back to the grid 75% of the energy initially used during charging, making it highly efficient,” says Cavallini. “It can last 30 years without any kind of degradation, contrary to other electrochemical technologies that quickly degrade."

The technique can store energy for up to 10 hours at about half the cost of lithium-ion batteries.

Energy Dome’s demo plant, the first of its kind, has been in operation for two years. It's building a full-scale plant in Ottana, Sardinia, that will be capable of generating 200 megawatt hours of electricity in a single discharge. That's equivalent to 2 439 Tesla Model 3 "Long Range" batteries.

Why do we need electricity storage?

The European Investment Bank and Bill Gates’s Breakthrough Energy Catalyst are backing Energy Dome with €60 million in financing. That's because energy storage solutions are critical if Europe is to reach its climate goals. Emission-free energy from the sun and the wind is fickle like the weather, and we'll need to store it somewhere for use at times when nature chooses to withhold its bounty.

To fight climate change, the European Union has an ambitious plan to transition to a carbon-neutral economy by 2050. To meet this goal, Europe will eventually have to shut down all its carbon-emitting coal and gas power stations and replace the lost generation capacity with emission-free sources, particularly renewable energies such as wind and solar. Spurred by the strategic imperative of weaning itself off Russian gas, the European Union aims to increase the share of renewables in its energy system to 42.5% by 2030, up from 23% in 2022. The European Commission estimates that this will require more than two-thirds of EU electricity generation to be from renewables.

But simply replacing fossil-fuel power stations won’t be enough. Europe needs to produce more electricity. That's because demand is set to soar, as other industries turn towards electrification to meet their own decarbonisation goals and as combustion-engine vehicles are replaced with electric ones. All in all, the share of renewables in electricity generation will have to increase between 60% and 70% by the end of the decade, according to Bruegel , a think tank.  

“Energy storage stabilizes prices, manages renewable energy variability, and encourages investment."

Andrea Alessi

European Investment Bank Renewable Energy Engineer

Transition at a turning point

The transition is already well underway. According to energy think tank Ember , more than 30% of the world’s energy now comes from renewables and we have reached a turning point where power from fossil fuels should start to decline. Solar and wind power are growing much faster in the European Union than in the rest or the world. In 2023 new solar and wind capacity in Europe accounted for 17% of global total and the European Union generated 44% of its energy from renewables, the think tank says.

But to meet increasing demand for electricity and reconcile the mismatch between demand patterns and the weather, Europe has to invest massively not only in new generation capacity but in two other critical areas: energy storage and the power grid. Bruegel estimates that investment in electricity generation and storage alone may need to double to about 1% of annual European Union gross domestic product, while the European Commission puts the price tag on grid investments alone at €584 billion .

In this article, we look at a number of innovative energy storage technologies being developed in Europe—and the challenges of upgrading power grids to serve a decarbonised electricity system.

  • Read about  the history of renewable energy
“With variations in the production of renewables, you need a solution to stabilise the energy production and the offer of energy to the market that has to cope with different needs. Batteries can assist in storing energy for both short and longer duration.”

European Investment Bank energy storage engineer

The power of chemistry

To provide stable electricity whenever it’s required, regardless of the weather, an electricity system based largely on intermittent renewables like wind and solar would need to store significant amounts of energy as a back-up for windless or cloudy days.

Chemical batteries, like the lithium-ion batteries used in mobile phones and electric vehicles, are a promising option.

In France's Gironde region, Amarenco Solar is developing large lithium-ion batteries to enhance the stability of renewable energy supply. The company is building a 105 MW lithium-ion battery that could power up to 2 490 electric cars. This battery, one of the largest in terms of power capacity in Europe, will help the French transmission system operator RTE  balance the grid by storing energy from renewables when it exceeds what is needed and releasing it when demand is high. 

The European Investment Bank is lending €16.5 million to help finance Amarenco Solar’s commercialisation and deployment of the project. The financing comes under the Bank’s European Commission-backed Innovfin Energy Demo Projects mandate, which supports innovative first-of-a-kind demonstration projects that contribute to the energy transition, when they are at the pre-commercial stage.

Meanwhile, in Norway, a groundbreaking initiative is underway to construct a large-scale plant for the industrial production of clean lithium-ion battery cells for battery energy storage systems. Utilising innovative manufacturing processes and renewable power, Freyr Battery Norway aims to produce battery cells with the lowest carbon footprint, using sustainably sourced and traceable materials. The company benefitted from project development assistance by the European Investment Bank and then a grant from the European Commission under the Innovation Fund, a major global funding program supporting net-zero and innovative technologies. This fund aims to decarbonize European industry, support climate neutrality, and enhance competitiveness, with projects receiving Project Development Assistance and specialized advisory support from the European Investment Bank.

And in Douai, France, AESC's gigafactory is preparing to manufacture a significant quantity of lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles. The company has secured €449 million in financing from the European Investment Bank.

“Right now, the presence of renewables in the European market is close to 40%. To go from 40% to 90%, we need storage of a duration in between 10 and 24 hours.”

Paolo Cavallini Chief of staff, Energy Dome © Freyr

The power of physics

While chemical batteries are a promising solution for many situations, they have some shortcomings for large scale application. Integrating batteries into the power grid can be expensive and they only provide power for a few hours. This limitation becomes particularly problematic on days without sunshine, when the shortfall in electricity generated can last several hours. Another disadvantage of batteries is that they require raw materials such as lithium that are not abundant in Europe and whose mining and extraction process can be environmentally damaging. 

To deal with the challenge of intermittency, electricity systems need longer lasting solutions that can provide backup power for several hours or even days.

Energy in motion

Mechanical storage systems are arguably the simplest, drawing on the kinetic forces of rotation or gravitation to store energy. These systems often use mechanisms like flywheels or suspended weights to harness the stored potential energy in an elevated mass.

Gravitricity , a start-up based in Scotland, is developing a 4 to 8 megawatt mechanical energy storage project in a disused mine shaft. Its technology operates like an elevator, using excess electricity from renewables to elevate a solid, densely packed material. The denser the material, the greater the energy storage capacity. When energy release is required, the weight gradually descends under the influence of gravity. As it lowers, reinforced cables attached to the weight drive a series of motors, generating electricity.

The ability of Gravitricity's batteries to discharge energy for up to eight hours makes them ideal for storing solar power. They can absorb surplus solar energy during daylight hours and release it during the night, effectively balancing energy supply and demand.

Upon full implementation, Gravitricity anticipates each battery will be able to discharge between 1 megawatt and 20 megawatts at peak power, providing energy for up to eight hours. A 20MW power system could sustain 63 000 homes for each hour of discharge.

Following the successful operation of a 250 kilowatt demonstration project in Edinburgh, the European Investment Bank provided project development assistance through the Innovation Fund.


  • Read about  the future of wind power
“In 2023, the European Investment Bank invested €20 billion for projects in energy efficiency, renewable energy, electricity networks and storage in the European Union.”

Pumping the energy

Pumped-hydro energy storage is one of the oldest and most widely used large scale energy storage technologies. It works like this:

  • Water is stored in two reservoirs at different elevations.
  • When there is surplus energy, water is pumped from the lower reservoir to the higher one.
  • When the stored energy is needed to meet peak demand, the water is released back down to the lower reservoir, powering turbines as it descends and generating electricity. 

The process is simple and effective. It’s cost-effective and energy efficient, all without generating greenhouse gas emissions during operation.

In northern Portugal, Iberdrola has built three large new hydroelectric dams, including a pumped-storage plant, on the Tâmega and Torno rivers. The facility has a total capacity of 1 158 megawatts and is the largest hydroelectric power plant to be developed in Europe in the last 25 years.

With an annual production capacity of 1 766 gigawatt hours, the Tamega complex can provide enough energy for nearby towns and cities, including Braga and Guimaraes, which have over 440 000 households. It can also store 40 million kilowatt hours, which is equivalent to the daily electricity consumed of 11 million people


By diversifying Portugal’s electricity generation and reducing oil imports, this project is expected to reduce carbon emissions by 1.2 million tonnes a year and cut over 160 000 tonnes of oil imports. It will also contribute to economic activity and employment in the region, with the construction phase of the project estimated to generate 3 500 direct jobs and 10 000 indirect jobs.

Iberdrola also plans to develop two wind farms with a combined capacity of 300 megawatts, which will transform the Tamega complex into a hybrid power plant. The European Investment Bank provided a €650 million loan to Iberdrola, signed in 2018, to finance the project.

  • Read about  renewable alternatives to wind and solar power

A balancing act

Storage capacity isn’t the only investment electricity grids need to prepare for the integration of renewables. There are  a number of other challenges for grids.

  • The intermittent and weather-dependent supply of electricity from sunshine and wind makes it difficult for grid operators to predict and manage electricity supply and demand. At times, the amount of electricity being generated may exceed demand. Without adequate storage capacity, this can force wind farms, for example, to turn off turbines to reduce their output.
  • Because wind farms and solar parks are often located far from consumers in cities or industrial sites, new transmission and distribution lines may be needed.
  • Reliance on renewables can make it more difficult for grids to maintain a stable electrical frequency. This poses a risk to their stability, as it makes the system less able to withstand sudden disturbances, like the loss of a large generator, or a sudden drop in wind.
“We expect a massive increase in the need for renewables. The challenge is to understand where the future flows will take place and which routes will be busiest.”

Mike Karaschinsky Division manager, TEAG © TEAG

A networking event

The distribution grid operator in Germany’s Thuringia region, TEAG, is one of many in Europe investing now to address these bumps in the road to decarbonisation. Known as “the green heart of Germany” for its dense forests, Thuringia generates more than 57% of its electricity from renewables, including 22.4% from wind.

In April 2024, TEAG signed a €400 million loan with the European Investment Bank to help finance a €600 million investment programme to upgrade its sprawling regional network. It serves 620 municipalities, many of which are small, with only 10 000 to 20 000 inhabitants.

“We expect a massive increase in the need for renewables,” says Mike Karaschinsky, division manager at TEAG. “Germany has gone from a very centralised system based on coal and nuclear power plants located close to consumption centres to a very decentralised system where generation takes place where the weather conditions are best. The challenge is to understand where the future flows will take place and which routes will be busiest.”

In addition to new, durable, high-capacity cables and sub-stations, the regional distribution network operator is also investing heavily in digital technologies, including smart meters and IT security.

“With the increase in electromobility, with car batteries and charging systems that can feed back into the network, we need to invest in a much more intelligent network,” says Karaschinsky.

Between 2013 and 2023, the European Investment Bank has lent over €30 billion to support grid upgrades in the European Union worth more than €74 billion. But if grids are to become an enabler of the green transition rather than a bottleneck, much more needs to be done.

In its November 2023 communication "An EU action plan for grids”, the European Commission said that permit procedures for grid reinforcements currently take 4 to 10 years and even as long as 10 years for new, high-voltage lines. This would need to be dramatically shortened to keep the green transition on track.

In total, the Commission estimates €584 billion in investments will be necessary for electricity grids by 2030, with the majority going into local distribution networks to make them “digital, monitored in real-time, remotely controllable and cybersecure”.

To help ease the situation, the Commission has proposed a 14-point action plan to improve the long-term planning of grids, accelerate permit procedures, and improve access to finance for grid projects – both at the transmission and distribution level.

Better integration between national networks could also improve efficiency and potentially cut fuel use by as much as 21%, according to the Bruegel think tank.

Legislative changes are also vital. In March 2023 the European Commission proposed a sweeping reform of the EU electricity market, which aims to reduce price volatility for consumers and create more favourable conditions for investors in low-carbon energy and energy storage solutions.

  • Read more about how solar panels will be soon everywhere

Mike Karaschinsky

Division manager, TEAG

About the author

Dawid a. fusiek.

I am an editor at the European Investment Bank, the EU bank. I write about the Bank’s impact on people and companies across the world.

Behind every project the European Investment Bank supports, is a story about real people and real issues. As an editor at the Bank, I bring these stories to life.

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A new energy economy is emerging

  • Executive summary
  • Key themes of WEO 2021
  • Introduction
  • Scenario trajectories and temperature outcomes
  • Keeping the door to 1.5 °C open
  • Energy consumers of tomorrow
  • Mobilising investment and finance
  • People centred transitions
  • Phasing out coal
  • Prices and affordability
  • Energy security and the risk of disorderly change
  • Fuels: old and new

Cite report

IEA (2021), World Energy Outlook 2021 , IEA, Paris https://www.iea.org/reports/world-energy-outlook-2021

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There are unmistakeable signs of change. In 2020, even as economies sank under the weight of Covid-19 lockdowns, additions of renewable sources of energy such as wind and solar PV increased at their fastest rate in two decades, and electric vehicle sales set new records. A new energy economy is coming into view, ushered forward by policy action, technology innovation and the increasing urgency of the need to tackle climate change. There is no guarantee that the emergence of this new energy economy will be smooth, and it is not coming forward quickly enough to avoid severe impacts from a changing climate. But it is already clear that tomorrow’s energy economy promises to be quite different from the one we have today.

Electricity is taking on an ever-more central role in the lives of consumers and, for an increasing number of households, it promises to become the energy source on which they rely for all their everyday needs: mobility, cooking, lighting, heating and cooling. The reliability and affordability of electricity is set to become even more critical to all aspects of people’s lives and well-being.

Electricity’s share of the world’s final consumption of energy has risen steadily over recent decades, and now stands at 20%. Its rise accelerates in future years as the pace of transitions picks up. In the NZE, electricity accounts for around 50% of final energy use by 2050 (around 30% in the APS). Given that electricity delivers useful energy services with better efficiency than other fuels, the contribution of electricity is even higher than these numbers would suggest.

The rise of electricity requires a parallel increase in its share of energy-related investment. Since 2016, global investment in the power sector has consistently been higher than in oil and gas supply. The faster that clean energy transitions proceed, the wider this gap becomes, and as a result electricity becomes the central arena for energy-related financial transactions. In the NZE, investment in power generation and infrastructure is six-times higher than in oil and gas supply by 2030.

Clean technologies in the power sector and across a range of end-uses have become the first choice for consumers around the world, initially due to policy support but over time because they are simply the most cost-effective. In most regions, solar PV or wind already represents the cheapest available source of new electricity generation. Based on total costs of ownership, the case for electric cars in many markets is already a compelling one.

In the new energy economy, the huge market opportunity for clean technology becomes a major new area for investment and international competition; countries and companies jostle for position in global supply chains. We estimate that, if the world gets on track for net zero emissions by 2050, then the annual market opportunity for manufacturers of wind turbines, solar panels, lithium-ion batteries, electrolysers and fuel cells grows tenfold to USD 1.2 trillion by 2050, around 3.5-times larger than in the STEPS. These five elements alone would be larger than today’s oil industry and its associated revenues. 

The new energy economy involves varied and often complex interactions between electricity, fuels and storage markets, creating fresh challenges for regulation and market design. A major question is how to manage the potential for increased variability on both the demand and supply sides of the energy equation. The variability of electricity supply will be affected by rising shares of wind and solar PV, putting a huge premium on robust grids and other sources of supply flexibility. The variability of demand will be shaped by increasing deployment of heat pumps and air conditioners (the latter especially in developing economies, where current ownership levels are low), and could be exacerbated by poorly sequenced recharging of EV fleets or by cold snaps, heat waves or other extreme weather events. Without effective policies to prepare for and manage these fluctuations, the daily variation of demand could increase on the basis of announced pledges to 270 gigawatts (GW) in the European Union (from 120 GW today) and over 170 GW in India (from 40 GW) by mid-century.

Digital technologies play crucial roles in integrating different aspects of the new energy system. Sectors that have hitherto operated largely independently (such as electricity and transport) become connected in new ways with the rise of electric mobility, and grids need to cope with a much greater diversity and complexity of flows as many new players, including households, enter the arena as producers. Managing the platforms and data required to keep this system operating effectively becomes a central part of the new energy economy, as does mitigating associated cybersecurity and data privacy risks.

Clean electrification is the dominant theme in the early phases of the transformation of the global energy economy together with the quest for improvements in efficiency. Over time, however, continued rapid deployment in these areas needs to be accompanied by clean energy innovation and the widespread use of technologies that are not yet readily available on the market. These technologies are vital to decarbonise areas such as heavy industry and long-distance transport that are not readily susceptible to electrification for one reason or another, and they include advanced batteries, hydrogen electrolysers, advanced biofuels, and new technologies for the capture and use of CO 2 , including direct air capture. Building these additional pillars of the new energy economy requires early and sustained investment in energy R&D and an accelerated programme of demonstration projects.

These changes redirect global flows of trade and capital . The combined share of hydrogen and critical minerals (such as lithium, cobalt, copper and rare earths elements) in global energy-related trade rises to one-quarter of the total in the APS, and takes a dominant share in the NZE as the value of fossil fuels trade declines significantly. This completely upends the present dynamics of international energy-related trade, and it is accompanied by a major shift in energy-related financial flows: the decline in the value of trade in fossil fuels causes the dollar-denominated revenues accruing to producer economies from oil and gas exports to decline significantly over time.

The new energy economy depicted in the NZE is a collaborative one in which countries demonstrate a shared focus on securing the necessary reductions in emissions, while minimising and taking precautions against new energy security risks. However, the APS highlights the possibility of new divisions and fragmentation as countries proceed at different speeds through energy transitions. By the 2030s, for example, the APS sees the production of “green” steel in economies that have pledged to reach net zero alongside the continuing use of traditional emissions-intensive methods elsewhere, deepening tensions around trade in energy-intensive goods. There could be a gulf too in international investment and finance: increasingly stringent disciplines applicable to financial flows may mean that capital from the “net zero” world does not flow very freely to countries undergoing slower transitions. Successful, orderly and broad-based transitions in which countries enjoy the benefits of global trade will depend on finding ways to lessen and manage the potential tensions in the international system that are highlighted in the APS.

Sizing the market opportunity for clean energy

Achieving net zero emissions requires an unparalleled increase in clean energy investment. In the NZE, annual investment in clean energy rises to USD 4 trillion by 2030, more than tripling from current levels. Mobilising such a large investment will be challenging, but the investment required to secure clean energy transitions offers an unprecedented level of market opportunities to equipment manufacturers, service providers, developers and engineering, procurement and construction companies along the entire clean energy supply chain.

In the NZE, the combined size of the market for wind turbines, solar panels, lithium-ion batteries, electrolysers and fuel cells represents a cumulative market opportunity to 2050 worth USD 27 trillion. At over 60% of the total, batteries account for the lion’s share of the estimated market for clean energy technology equipment in 2050. With over 3 billion electric vehicles (EVs) on the road and 3 terawatt-hours (TWh) of battery storage deployed in the NZE in 2050, batteries play a central part in the new energy economy. They also become the single largest source of demand for various critical minerals such as lithium, nickel and cobalt.

Estimated market sizes for selected clean energy technologies by technology and region, 2020-2050

Advanced economies and China have been building up their research and development (R&D) programmes and increasing spending on clean energy innovation, but patterns of spending will change as deployment expands everywhere in the world. In the NZE, the Asia Pacific region is home to 45% of the estimated market for clean energy technologies by 2050, and the share of the market accounted for by North America and Europe is lower than it was earlier in the period.

Many countries are seeking to develop manufacturing expertise and capabilities that would allow them to use some locally produced products to meet domestic demand, and also to participate in global supply chains and to license related intellectual property. Energy start-up companies have an important part to play in this. Despite the pandemic, record-breaking levels of capital have flowed to clean energy technology start-ups, with investment in 2021 expected to surpass the USD 4 billion in early-stage equity raised in 2019, which was the previous peak year. The United States still accounts for around half of the capital being invested, but Europe was the only major region to increase investment in 2020 and China’s share of the market has risen from 5% in the 2010-14 period to over 35% in the last three years.

Governments everywhere are also actively seeking to attract additional talent. India and Singapore have launched government initiatives to support international clean energy entrepreneurs. China, Japan and United States have recently made high-level commitments to energy R&D and innovation, framing it as a critical area of technological competition in coming years. In Europe, public initiatives like the European Battery Alliance are actively seeking to create new value chains. There is a momentous opportunity for the best innovators to capture a share of emerging value chains that have huge future potential.

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