Aug 7, 2019 · This study contributes to the body of research on student engagement and mental health among late adolescents by confirming research findings elsewhere (Chen et al., Citation 2016; Pachucki et al., Citation 2015; Reis et al., Citation 2015; Roth, Citation 2013), that even the context of college education in the Philippines, certain indicators ... ... Apr 15, 2021 · While several studies have been conducted in western countries, there is a dearth of studies on the Philippines and the cultural and contextual variations of mental health (Alibudbud, 2021a ... ... Sep 26, 2019 · This research sought to examine the relationship among student involvement, mental health and quality of life among college students in a Philippine university. ... variables - Mental Health Inventory and Emotional Intelligence Scale (EIS) were utilized. Based on the inferential statistics, the r coefficient of 0.32 indicates a low positive correlation between the variables and a p-value of 0.00, indicating a significant relationship between the respondents' mental health and emotional intelligence. ... has been clearly revealed by research and has been a growing concern in the field of mental health (Gulliver, et al., 2012; Massey, 2010; Que-Legaspi, Reyes & Datu, 2014). The study of Boldero & Fallon (1995) posited that even if university students are confronted with variety of problems, ... Sep 8, 2020 · There is teeming evidence that suggests high incidence of mental health issues among students in tertiary education institutions in the Philippines (e.g., Bautista & Manuel, 2020; Cleofas & Rocha ... ... This study was conceived within the context of increasing incidence of mental health challenges observed among college adolescents in the Philippines. Being an important social institution, the school must be able to create a social environment in order to foster better mental wellbeing and quality of life among its students. This research sought to examine the relationship among student ... ... The COVID-19 pandemic stimulated the appreciation of the importance of Mental Health in the Philippines, which urged the researchers to conduct this study. This research aims to measure the mental health status of student leaders from two (2) universities in the country and to design an intervention program based on the findings. Twenty-one (21) Psychology student leaders from Emilio Aguinaldo ... ... Mental health is an important aspect of overall well-being, and it is essential for students in higher education institutions (HEIs) to have access to appropriate resources and support. In the Philippines, mental health programs in HEIs are still developing and improving, with many universities and ... This present study's findings may provide relevant information that can serve as a basis for developing and improving school-based mental health services offered in various higher educational institutions in the Philippines. Keywords: Mental health literacy, student mental health, psychological well-being, psychological distress, Filipino ... ... ">

Philippine E-Journals

Home ⇛ psychology and education: a multidisciplinary journal ⇛ vol. 5 no. 2 (2022), mental health status of student leaders: basis for an enhancement program.

Bernadeth Ballesteros | Raquel Cantos | Henmar Cardiño | Edlyn Joy Espiritu | Marjualita Theresa Malapo | Kristian Robert Vino | Tria Geraldine

Discipline: Education

The COVID-19 pandemic stimulated the appreciation of the importance of Mental Health in the Philippines, which urged the researchers to conduct this study. This research aims to measure the mental health status of student leaders from two (2) universities in the country and to design an intervention program based on the findings. Twenty-one (21) Psychology student leaders from Emilio Aguinaldo College-Manila, and National University-Laguna participated in this study. The Mental Health Continuum-Short Form (MHC-SF) was used as the instrument for assessing the mental health status of the respondents. The result shows that the participants are flourishing in Emotional Wellbeing (M=4.45), and Psychological Well-being (M=4.56), while Moderately Mentally Healthy in Social well-being (M=4.36). The researchers also found that 9.5% of the participants have languishing mental health, 19% are moderately mentally healthy, and 71.4% have flourishing mental health. The findings also revealed that there is no significant relationship (r-value 0.003, p-value 0.99) and no significant difference (t-value 1.302, p-value 0.234) between the mental health status of the participants from the two universities, implying that regardless of their university affiliation their mental health status is indistinguishable and similar. Based on the results, the enhancement program entitled "Mental Health and Leadership During Pandemic" was designed and implemented virtually.


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Mental Health Literacy and Mental Health of Filipino College Students

Profile image of Marc Eric S . Reyes

2021, North American Journal of Psychology

The present study investigated Filipino college students' mental health literacy and mental health using a descriptive cross-sectional design. Five hundred nineteen participants from six Philippine universities took the Mental Health Literacy Scale and the Mental Health Inventory. Descriptive analyses of the data were used to profile the students. T-tests were conducted to determine differences in our research variables when the participants were grouped according to gender and institution type. Results showed that Filipino college students generally have average mental health literacy scores and below-average scores on the MHI, average Psychological Well-being, and above-average Psychological Distress. We found no significant gender differences. However, students from state universities showed significantly higher mental health literacy scores than those in private universities. In comparison, students from private universities had substantially higher anxiety than those who participated from state universities. This present study's findings may provide relevant information that can serve as a basis for developing and improving school-based mental health services offered in various higher educational institutions in the Philippines.

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