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Summary of findings, conclusion and recommendation.
This chapter was a presentation of the summary of the research study highlighting the significant findings which lead to the conclusion and recommendations for further enhancements. Moreover, the areas for further study would also provide to give insights for future researchers towards undertaking studies related to the thrust of this study.
Summary of Findings This special problem was conducted to determine the Factors Affecting the Grade 11 Students of Genecom Institute of Science and Technology Inc. towards COVID-19 vaccines, with a total of 30 respondents of grade 11 high school students. The descriptive method was used in this study. It aims to find out the appropriate answers to the following questions: What are the reasons or factors behind their willingness and unwillingness to be vaccinated? What is their common belief about the Covid-19 vaccine that affects their vaccination decision-making? What is their knowledge/understanding regarding Covid- 19 vaccines?
In the first question, 29 out of 30% are vaccinated and the remaining 1% remain unvaccinated. The survey found that the vaccine developed by Pfizer and Moderna was the most preferred by those willing to get vaccinated against COVID-19. However, those who are willing are they take the vaccine shot for their safety and care for their well-being, say that they took vaccines to take care of themselves and prevent Covid from interfering with their normal lives.
Among those unwilling to get vaccinated, the survey found that the respondents’ reasons for refusing a vaccine were the following:
“Not sure of its safety” “Vaccine might not be effective” “A vaccine is not needed to combat COVID-19”
For the second question, most students tell others to take the vaccine shot for their safety and care for their well-being and their daily life will continue the same as before, even before getting the vaccine. The third and last question is their knowledge/ regarding Covid-19 vaccines is that it boosts your immunity and lessen the mortality rate against the virus. Aside from being safe from the disease, being vaccinated also lessen the risk of our vulnerable family members such as seniors, pregnant women, and babies from also getting infected by the disease.
This research is about the Factors Affecting Grade 11 students of Genecom towards Covid-19 vaccines, the data collected by the randomly contributing to 30 respondents. As mentioned in the study, the objective of this study is to know the factors affecting grade 11 students of Gencom towards Covid- vaccines. Based on the findings of the study, 33% of the respondents chose the MODERNA Vaccine because of the less pain and the side effect and 63% chose Pfizer because of the Availability and Advice of the family members and 1 student is unvaccinated which is equivalent to 3%. 96% of students the vaccine because they want to protect against the virus while the 1 respondent answer not to take the vaccine because she has allergies in medicine.
Based on survey the difficulties encountered by the grade 11 students after having a vaccine are the side effect such as high Fever, headache, and muscle pain. It is difficult for the students specially now because one of the requirements for our face to face is the vaccine card , proof that you are vaccinated. Based on the findings, Vaccine can lower your risk of getting and spreading the virus that causes COVID-19. Our Government make a law for mandatory wearing facemask and face shield and one meter distance for our safety for a small chance of spreading the viruses.
In the summary of findings and conclusions, the following recommendations are offered:
- Both moderna vaccine and pfizer vaccine are recommended because of its vaccine was highly effective at preventing symptomatic disease anyone ages 16 and older. Children and
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(6) Mant, M., Aslemand, A., Prine, A., & Jaagumägi Holland, A. (2021). University students’ perspectives, planned uptake, and hesitancy regarding the COVID- vaccine: A multi-methods study. PLOS ONE, 16 (8), e0255447. doi/10.1371/journal.pone.
(7) Bai, W., Cai, H., Liu, S., Liu, H., Qi, H., Chen, X., Liu, R., Cheung, T., Su, Z., Ng, C. H., & Xiang, Y. T. (2021). Attitudes toward COVID-19 vaccines in Chinese college students. International Journal of Biological Sciences, 17 (6), 1469–1475. doi/10.7150/ijbs.
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For Vaccinated Students: 1 is your vaccine? 2 are the reasons/factors encourage you to be vaccinated? 3 is your initial response after having the vaccine? 4 are the effects of the vaccine that you felt after having the shot? 5 does the effect of the vaccine affects your daily life? 6 do you think are the benefits of being vaccinated? 7 about its disadvantages? 8. How can you encourage other peers/people to be vaccinated?
For Unvaccinated Students: 1 are the reasons/factors of your unwillingness to be vaccinated? 2 your family had the same mindset with yours? 3 you have any personal experiences why you chose not to be vaccinated? If so, would you
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summary of the study followed by the summary of the findings and their conclusions. Subsequent to this are the implications of the study and followed by recommendations for future...
The document summarizes the findings, conclusions, and recommendations of a study on the profile and performance evaluations of Filipino tour guides as perceived by local tourists. The main findings were that tourists rated guides highly in personality and communication skills, and adequately in technical skills.
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Summary of Findings The following findings were drawn from the analysis of the data. The highest percentage of respondents participated in the study are dominant were between the ages of thirty to forty years old. More male than females with a civil status mostly of already married than being single status.
The summary section provides a description and explanation of the new knowledge discovered or the unique contribution that this research makes. Not too much detail is needed here – simple answer the research questions, and draw the conclusion.
Findings. As part of the research paper, Summary of Findings include the overall purpose, the main and specific research problem, the research methodology, and the major findings. Make sure that this part is presented briefly in a straightforward manner. The summary of findings is where you are going to generate your conclusions. In this
SUMMARY OF FINDINGS, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION. This chapter was a presentation of the summary of the research study highlighting the significant findings which lead to the conclusion and recommendations for further enhancements.
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