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How to Plan & Write IELTS Double Question Essays
IELTS double question essays are also known as ‘direct question’ or ‘two questions’ essays. They are distinguished by two characteristics:
- They have one statement with two different questions after it.
- The questions may or may not be linked.
Here are 3 examples:
1) Fossil fuels are essential for producing electricity, powering industry and fueling transportation. However, one day we will reach a point when all the world’s fossil fuels have been depleted.
How can we conserve these resources?
What are some alternatives to fossil fuels?
2) Some parents buy their children whatever they ask for, and allow their children to do whatever they want.
Is this a good way to raise children?
What consequences could this style of parenting have for children as they get older?
3) The arts, including art, music and theatre are considered to be important in society.
Do you think the arts still have a place amongst our modern lifestyles?
Should the arts be included in the school curriculum?
In this lesson, I’m going to demonstrate step-by-step how to plan and write IELTS double question essays.
Here’s what we’ll be covering:
- 3 Common mistakes
- Essay structure
- How to plan
- How to write an introduction
- How to write main body paragraphs
- How to write a conclusion
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Click the links to see lessons on each of these Task 2 essay writing topics.
Once you understand the process, practice on past questions. Take your time at first and gradually speed up until you can plan and write an essay of at least 250 words in the 40 minutes allowed in the exam.
3 Common Mistakes
These three errors are common in IELTS double question essays.
- Not answering both questions fully.
- Not outlining both answers in the introduction.
- Mistaking it for one of the other essay types.
Many students make the mistake of only answering one of the questions, or focusing more on one question than the other which leads to an unbalanced essay. Both these errors will seriously affect your score for task achievement.
You must outline everything you are going to write about in the introduction. This is your blueprint for the whole essay. I’ll show you how to do this and get your essay off to a great start.
It’s easy to mistake IELTS double question essays for one of the other four types of Task 2 essays, especially opinion or discussion essays. Each should be answered in a slightly different way.
Analysing the question properly is essential to avoiding this error. I’ll also show you how to do this and give you a simple 4 part structure for planning your essay.
Essay Structure
Let’s look at this essay structure straight away. You can use it to write any IELTS double question essay. It’s easy to learn and will enable you to quickly plan and write a high-level essay.
1) Introduction
- Paraphrase the question
- Outline sentence – state your answer to both questions
2) Main body paragraph 1 – Answer question 1
- Topic sentence – state your answer
- Explanation – develop the idea
- Example – give an example
3) Main body paragraph 2 – Answer question 2
4) Conclusion Summarise both questions and answers
This structure will give us a well-balanced essay with 4 paragraphs.
We now need some ideas to add to the structure and we’ll have everything we need for our essay.
How To Plan IELTS Double Question Essays
Here’s the question we’re going to be answering in our model essay followed by the 3 steps of the planning process.
Fossil fuels are essential for producing electricity, powering industry and fueling transportation. However, one day we will reach a point when all the world’s fossil fuels have been depleted.
- Analyse the question
- Generate ideas
- Identify vocabulary
# 1 Analyse the question
This is an essential step in the planning process and will ensure that you answer the question fully. It’s quick and easy to do. You just need to identify 3 different types of words:
- Topic words
- Other keywords
- Instruction words
Topics words are the ones that identify the general subject of the question and will be found in the statement part of the question.
Fossil fuels are essential for producing electricity, powering industry and fueling transportation. However, one day we will reach a point when all the world’s fossil fuels have been depleted.
So, this question is about ‘ fossil fuels ’.
Many people will do this first step of the process and then write about the topic in general. This is a serious mistake and leads to low marks for task achievement.
Now that we know what the general topic is, we need to understand exactly what aspect of fossil fuels we're being asked to write about.
The other keywords in the question tell you the specific things you must write about. For IELTS double question essays, these will often be in the instructions, that is, the actual questions.
How can we conserve these resources?
What are some alternatives to fossil fuels?
By highlighting these words, it’s easy to identify the topics. Your essay must only include ideas relevant to these ideas.
The instruction words are the questions themselves. These tell you exactly what type of information is required and each will become the topic for one of the two main body paragraphs.
The first body paragraph will answer the first question (How?) and the second body paragraph will answer the second question (What?).
# 2 Generate ideas
The next task is to generate some ideas to write about.
There are several different ways to think up ideas. I cover them fully on the IELTS Essay Planning page.
We’re going to use the ‘friends technique’. This is the method I prefer as it allows you to take a step back from the stress of the exam situation and think more calmly.
Here’s how it works. Imagine that you are in a casual conversation with a friend over a cup of coffee and they ask you this question. What are the first thoughts to come into your head? Plan your essay around these ideas.
Doing this will help you to come up with simple answers in everyday language rather than straining your brain to think of amazing ideas using high-level language, which isn’t necessary.
You might want to try this yourself before reading on for my ideas.
Here are my ideas as I thought of them:
How can we conserve these resources?
- Become more energy conscious & more energy efficient
- Use more renewable energy sources – solar panels
- All new homes should be built with solar panels on
- Use car less – walk, cycle, public transport, only travel when really necessary
- Energy-efficient light bulbs
- Solar power
- Wave energy
- Tidal energy
- Biomass energy
- Geothermal energy
Don’t spend long on this as you only need one or two ideas.
There is so much to write about this topic that we have to be very careful we don’t try to include too many different ideas and just end up with a list for each question rather than a well-developed essay.
Choose one main idea for each part of the question. My advice on making your selection is to choose ideas that you can quickly think of examples for.
Here are my choices:
- Use car less – walk, cycle, public transport
- Natural forces – solar & wind power, wave & tidal energy
We’re almost ready to start writing our IELTS double question essay but first, we have one other small task to do.
# 3 Vocabulary
During the planning stage, quickly jot down some vocabulary that comes to mind as you decide which ideas you are going to write about, especially synonyms of key words. This will save you having to stop and think of the right language while you’re writing.
For the ideas I’ve chosen, useful words will include:
- sustainable
- renewable energy
- energy-efficient
With that done, we can focus on the first paragraph of the essay – the introduction.
How To Write an Introduction
The best introductions to IELTS double question essays have a simple 2 part structure:
1) Paraphrase the question
2) Outline sentence – state your answer to both questions
- Have 2-3 sentences
- Be 40-60 words long
- Take 5 minutes to write
1) Paraphrase the question
Start your introduction by paraphrasing the statement part of the question.
Question statement:
Paraphrased question:
The world is currently reliant on oil, coal and natural gas for the majority of its energy requirements but there will come a time when these run out.
We are simply saying the same thing in a different way and using different vocabulary.
2) Outline statement
Now we need to add an outline statement where we outline the two main points that we’ll cover in the rest of the essay, that is, the answers to the two questions.
We need to be very specific about what we are going to write about.
Here's a reminder of the ideas I’ve chosen to answer the two questions:
- Natural forces –solar & wind power, wave & tidal energy
Outl ine statement:
This essay will discuss how we can help to prevent our non-renewable resources from becoming depleted by using our cars less frequently and it will name some natural forces that can be harnessed to generate power.
Note my use of synonyms to replace key words in the question. You don’t have to replace every key word but do so where possible whilst ensuring that your language sounds natural.
So, let’s bring the two elements of our introduction together.
This introduction achieves three important functions:
- It shows the examiner that you understand the question.
- It acts as a guide to the examiner as to what your essay is about.
- It also helps to keep you focused and on track as you write.
The two ideas in your introduction will become your two main body paragraphs.
Main body paragraph 1 – Use car less – walk, cycle, public transport
Main body paragraph 2 – Renewable energy / natural forces – solar & wind power, wave & tidal energy
How To Write Main Body Paragraphs
Main body paragraphs in IELTS double question essays should contain 3 things:
- Explanation – develop the idea
Main Body Paragraph 1 – Answer question 1
The topic sentence summarises the main idea of the paragraph. That’s all it needs to do so it doesn’t have to be complicated.
It plays an important role in ensuring that your ideas flow logically from one to another. It does this by acting as a signpost for what is to come next, that is, what the paragraph will be about.
If you maintain a clear development of ideas throughout your essay, you will get high marks for task achievement and cohesion and coherence.
We’ll now take the idea for our first main body paragraph and create our topic sentence.
Main body paragraph 1 – Use car less – walk, cycle, public transport, only travel when really necessary
Topic sentence:
Conserving energy is a responsibility of every individual and an important way in which we can all do our bit is to use more energy-efficient means of transport.
Next, we must write an explanation sentence that develops the idea.
Explanation sentence:
The easiest way to do this is to leave the car at home and walk or cycle to our destination if it isn’t too far away, or take public transport for longer journeys. Another way to reduce our fuel consumption is to car share.
Finally, we add an example to support our main point. If you can’t think of a real example, it’s fine to make one up, as long as it’s believable. The examiner isn’t going to check your facts. Alternative, you could add another piece of information to support your idea but an example is better.
Example sentence:
Whenever my friends and I get together for coffee, we agree to meet up at a café that we can each get to without having to drive our cars there. We usually go on foot or ride our bikes. If everyone made small decisions like this, it would make a real difference.
That’s the 3 parts of our first main body paragraph complete. Here’s the finished paragraph.
We now follow the same process for our second main body paragraph.
Main Body Paragraph 2 – Answer question 2
Again, we’ll now take the idea I’ve chosen for this paragraph and create our topic sentence.
Main body paragraph 2 – Renewable energy / natural forces – solar & wind power, wave & tidal energy
Topic sentence:
The most sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels are the generation of power from natural forces such as the sun, wind and oceans.
Now for the explanation where we expand on this idea.
Explanation sentence:
S olar and wind power are already widely used across the world but it is wave power and tidal energy that have the greatest untapped potential to provide for our energy needs in the future.
Finally, an example to support our main point.
A report recently commissioned in the United Kingdom estimates that tidal energy could meet as much as 20% of the UK’s current electricity demands once the technology being developed is operational. Wave energy converters are expected to prove equally successful in the long-term.
That’s the 3 parts of our second main body paragraph complete. Here’s the finished paragraph.
Now we need a conclusion and our IELTS double question essay is done.
How To Write a Conclusion
The conclusion is a summary of the main points in your essay and can often be done in a single sentence. It should never introduce new ideas.
If you're below the minimum 250 words after you’ve written your conclusion, you can add a prediction or recommendation statement.
Our essay is already over the minimum word limit so we don’t need this extra sentence but you can learn more about how to write a prediction or recommendation statement for IELTS double question essays on the Task 2 Conclusions page.
The conclusion is the easiest sentence in the essay to write but one of the most important.
A good conclusion to an IELTS double question essay will:
- Neatly end the essay
- Link all your ideas together
- Sum up your argument or opinion
- Answer the question
If you achieve this, you’ll improve your score for both task achievement and cohesion and coherence which together make up 50% of the overall marks. Without a conclusion, you’ll score below band 6 for task achievement.
You can start almost any final paragraph of an IELTS double question essay with the words:
- In conclusion
- To conclude
Now all you need to do is briefly summarise the main ideas into one or two sentences.
Here’s a top tip . Go back and read the introduction to the essay because this is also a summary of the essay. It outlines what you are going to write about.
To create a great conclusion, you simply have to paraphrase the introduction.
Here is the same information formed into a conclusion:
That’s it. We’ve completed our essay. Here it is with the 4 paragraphs put together.
Finished IELTS double question essay.
(351 words)
Go through this lesson as many times as you need to in order to fully understand it and put in lots of practice writing IELTS double question essays from past exam questions. Practice is the only way to improve your skills.
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IELTS Writing Task 2 – T he format, the 5 question types, the 5 step essay writing strategy & sample questions. All the key information you need to know.
The 5 Types of Task 2 Essay – How to recognise the 5 different types of Task 2 essays. 15 sample questions to study and a simple planning structure for each essay type.
Understanding Task 2 Questions – How to quickly and easily analyse and understand IELTS Writing Task 2 questions.
How To Plan a Task 2 Essay – Discover why essay planning is essential & learn a simple 4 step strategy, the 4 part essay structure & 4 methods of generating ideas.
How To Write a Task 2 Introduction – Find out why a good introduction is essential. Learn how to write one using a simple 3 part strategy & discover 4 common mistakes to avoid.
How To Write Task 2 Main Body Paragraphs – Learn the simple 3 part structure for writing great main body paragraphs and also, 3 common mistakes to avoid.
How To Write Task 2 Conclusions – Learn the easy way to write the perfect conclusion for a Task 2 essay. Also discover 4 common mistakes to avoid.
Task 2 Marking Criteria – Find out how to meet the marking criteria in Task 2. See examples of good and poor answers & learn some common mistakes to avoid.
The 5 Task 2 Essay Types:
Step-by-step instructions on how to plan & write high-level essays. Model answers & common mistakes to avoid.
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IELTS Model Essay -Two Questions Essay Type
IELTS Writing Task 2 Two Questions Essay is basically a Direct Questions Essay where you are given one, two or three direct questions to answer. Instead of being given task, such as “Discuss both sides.”, you are given specific questions to answer about a given topic.
IELTS Two Question Essay Task Sample
Below you see a two question essay for IELTS Writing Task 2.
More and more adults are playing computer games. Why is this happening? Is it a positive or negative trend?
As you see, there are two tasks:
- to explain what the causes are for this topic
- to decide whether you think this is a positive trend or negative trend
These two tasks are of equal importance. This means that for your body paragraphs, you must address each question equally and explain each with equal length. This is actually part of the Task Response marking criterion, which counts for 25% of your writing task 2 marks. Click here: WRITING T2 MARKING CRITERIA WITH TIPS
Useful Tips: IELTS Two Direct Questions Essay
The main topic in the essay question is Technology and the specific topic is Computer Games and Adults. I’ve provided a list of tips to help you tackle this type of essay question.
- There is only one issue to tackle : computer games. This is lucky. It is an easy essay question. Some essay questions are more complex and have two separate issues to tackle.
- The issue is specific: This means it is specifically relating to adults and your essay should not discuss why children play computer based. All IELTS essays must be very focused to the precise task you are given.
- There are two questions to answer . I call this type of question a “Direct Question Essay”. The first question is about causes of the trend. You might have one main cause or two causes. The second question is about evaluating whether this trend is good or bad. Whenever you are asked to choose, it means you must give your opinion.
- Think of some examples of computer games that adults play. You need to spend time on this aspect of the question. The deeper you think about this, the more relevant your main ideas will become. For example, are there any computer games that require intelligence? How have computer games changed over the years? Is this a reason why so many adults now play games? The more you think, the better your ideas for tackling this essay will be.
- Think about what attracts adults to these computers games. What do they get out of it?
- Then think about whether you, personally, think this is good or bad. Do adults gain anything from playing computer games or are computer games a complete waste of time for them? Are there any negative consequences of adults doing this?
- After you brainstorm , choose the ideas that are the most relevant and the easiest to explain well. You don’t get a high score because you have lots of ideas. You get a higher score for presenting specific ideas which are well developed and highly relevant.
- Body Paragraphs: f you have two questions to cover. It is logical to have two body paragraphs . Being logical in your choice of paragraphing is important.
- Provide a clear position in your introduction as to whether you think this is a positive or negative point. Being clear in the introduction helps the examiner follow your body paragraphs more easily and this will increase your score. If you think it is positive – make it clear. If you think it is negative – say so. If you think “it depends” – make sure you word it clearly and explain it clearly in the body paragraphs – never sit on the fence when you are asked to choose. The easiest approach is a positive or negative one (a one-sided approach). The “it depends” approach is harder and requires stronger language skills.
Model Essay for IELTS Two Direct Questions
It seems that the current trend is for an increasing number of adults to enjoy playing computer games in their free time. With the development of game technology, it is hardly surprising that adults are playing games, but whether it is positive or negative depends on the games played and the time spent on them.
In terms of why so many adults are choosing to spend time playing computer games, it is mainly because the technology behind the games is becoming more sophisticated. Initially, when games first came out, they were very simplistic and appealed mainly to children. However, things have moved on since then and games have become visually appealing, very absorbing, require great dexterity and some also have a strategic challenge to them which adults particularly like. Such games can attract professional adults looking to hone tactics and skills to other adults wishing just to relax and switch off.
However, whether this trend in adults towards computer games is beneficial or not can be challenged. Some adults use complex, challenging games as a form of escapism which keeps their mind sharp and helps them relax at the same time. As long as the time spent on such games is balanced with other healthier pursuits, it can be constructive. Unfortunately, adults who ignore their physical health and spend too much time on mindless, repetitive games develop a sedentary lifestyle which can be detrimental to their wellbeing.
In conclusion, computer games have become more fascinating and tempting to adults. While games that help develop tactics and knowledge might be advantageous, no game, particularly senseless games, should be played to excess and certainly should not replace healthier leisure activities.
Word count = 276
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An increasing number of adults are addicted to computer games today. The main reason behind this increment is the influence of social media marketing, which is done by the computer games industry. However, this is a negative trend because this addiction leads to certain health disorders.
The major factor that creates this situation is the marketing strategy of gaming industry. Marketing professionals of this industry mainly focus social media users, and they allow users to see their very attractive game advertisements while users are browsing on the FaceBook or YouTube. If they click on them, they are taken to short but very impressive games, which motivate them to play these games as a habit. In the long run, this becomes an addiction. For instance, Michelin Sri Lanka revealed that 78% of their employees who play games regularly have started this because of social media advertisements.
This is a negative trend due to the possible health impact on people who play games frequently. Not only looking at a digital screen could be harmful to vision but also it creates even worst results as many of them avoid doing physical exercise. If someone is addicted to play computer games, they spend most of their free time with this habit. Hence, they do not get enough exercise to burn extra calories and fat, which leads to diseases, such as high blood pressure and cardio-vascular disease. For example, in Sri Lanka, more than 68% of adults who play computer games suffer from non-infectious diseases.
In conclusion, social media advertisements significantly increase the number of adults who play computer games. Nonetheless, this is a negative development because this degrades their health.
My website does not offer a feedback or marking service, but I’ll just give you one comment to help you develop. In the first sentence of a body paragraph (a topic sentence), you must not refer to the issue as “this”. For example, you wrote “The major factor that creates this situation is the marketing strategy ….”. Each body paragraph is like starting a fresh new answer. So, the issue needs to be repeated. You should have written “The major factor that leads to an increasing number of adults playing computer games is the marketing strategy ….”. We only use “this” or “it” to refer to something within a paragraph, not between paragraphs for IELTS writing task 2 essays.
I decided to try writing a direct question essay but I’m not sure if it is any good can you check it out and let me know where I need to improve?
Some people say the main way to be happy is to have a lot of money. How might having a lot of money make people happy? What other thing in life can make people happy?
Many say money can be a source of joy in one’s lifetime, It is true money can solve a majority of problems and give you a sense of freedom. However, there are different ways in which one can be happy.
Money plays a crucial role in our lives, we need money in our day-to-day activities. Cash gives you financial freedom and security. With Money, you can travel to any country of choice in luxury, live the extravagant life people dream to live and buy expensive items. For example, if I wanted to buy anything, I could choose what I wanted without looking at the price. Also, the thought of having cash makes you worry less. Money allows you to have a cheerful and blissful life.
On the other hand, Finance is not the only way to happiness. There are various ways of being happy like the love we are showered with from our family and friends. Being loved gives you peace of mind. It is true money is great but money without love attracts the wrong crowd. Furthermore, another way is self-satisfaction. The thought of achieving a goal or dream makes one joyful. For instance, imagining preparing for an exam and doing well in it, gives you a sense of happiness.
To conclude, Although cash can make our lives comfortable and free from financial crises, we can not depend on it alone to make us feel happy. There are other ways such as love and self-satisfaction. With this, we can always find happiness.
Although I don’t offer a feedback service, I’ll give just a couple of points. 1) you’ve got the right structure with ideas well organised into paragraph 2) pay attention to the correct use of capital letters – you will be marked down if you use capital letters incorrectly 3) the word “like” cannot be used as a linking word or as a substitute for “for example” 4) make sure you are aiming for between 270 and 290 words – this essay is quite short. You should extend your body paragraphs. Otherwise, well done!
I was impressed by your work. It’s really beneficial! Thanks.
I’m glad it’s helpful 🙂
This is awesome, there are so much new vocabulary that I can learn from. Thank you Liz! And I wanna ask if all model essays are in the “model essay” category? I’m a new comer and I’m looking for as many well-written writings as possible, like yours!
There are a lot of model essays online. I do not know their quality or how safe they are to use a models. Not all websites are written by professional, experienced teachers who have completed the IELTS examiner training. The models on my essay are safe to use as a guide.
I received my IELTS result today and I scored 7.5 overall band score. I can’t thank you enough for your valuable help and guidance.
More than IELTS, I’m more confident than ever and look forward to continuing this learning further.
Thanks again and take care.
Best Regards, Kamlesh
I’m so pleased for you, Kamlesh! Very well done to you!! I do hope you continue learning. One day I plan to start an English Liz Youtube channel so that people can keep learning beyond their IELTS test 🙂
That would be perfect <3
Thank you so much, Liz. I really appreciate your fantastic work.
You’re welcome 🙂
Good evening Liz. I’m grateful for your guidance and tutelage as I scored 7.5 in my writing, 7.5 in speaking, 7.0 in listening and 6.0 in reading after just a short time with you. I’m optimistic in my next attempt I should get the desired scores. You’re a great teacher ma’am.
I wish you lots of luck in your next test 🙂
Rituparna Saha says April 5, 2024 Thank you Liz for all your support and guidance on Writing Task 2. I greatly appreciate your efforts.
I took my IELTS test a few days ago. The results are out and I got a band 7 in writing with an overall band 7.5 in just a week. For writing I only watched your videos and took notes of all the points you taught. I did not even practice writing much, just referred to your videos and read all the materials on the website. Your content is pure gold and you are an amazing teacher. Ilysm
Very well done with your results!! Many people struggle to hit band 7 in writing. Congrats!
this is Soo nice Liz I have been following you and your materials are helpful kindly would like to know where I can download the Cambridge book or if you can share any regards Hellen
The IELTS Cambridge Test Books are copyrighted so I can’t share them. However, you can find new as well as second hand copies on Amazon or possibly in a local educational store.
I don’t feel the introduction is clear, and there is no clear opinion.
“it depends” indicates the opinion. It shows that the writer intends to be specific about when it is positive and when it is negative because their opinion covers both. This can often be the case with IELTS essays that require an opinion. You do not have to choose positive or negative and be 100% on one side. It is 100% acceptable in IELTS but it is a more difficult opinion to create if one’s English language isn’t strong.
Hello Liz, is it okay to write a contrast (one point) before the conclusion paragraph in agree or disagree essay? Thank you.
This is not an agree/disagree essay. The Opinion Essay is an agree disagree essay which requires you to agree, disagree or have a partial agreement with an opinion given by IELTS. That essay is not an Opinion Essay because you aren’t being asked to respond to an opinion given by IELTS. This essay is a Direct Questions Essay which may or may not require an opinion depending on the questions you are given. In an Opinion Essay, you introduce your opinion in the introduction and the whole essay explains your opinion. You can’t suddenly put a different opinion further down the essay. Your opinion must be consistent throughout the whole essay. I recommend you get my advanced lessons because they explain in detail how to tackle an Opinion Essay. You can find them in my online store: https://elizabethferguson.podia.com/
Thanks a lot liz.
Hi dear Liz. Hope you are fast recuperating. I have written the following intro. ” There is a growing propensity among the youth to play computer games. This is due to indulgence of parents and can have possible detrimental effects.” I know you don’t comment on write ups, but this is with a hope, in case…
I’ll just make one comment. I made a list of points to consider. Point 3 was important. This isn’t about youths. It’s about adults, which means people in their early 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, 50’s etc. And because it is about adults, it cannot be related to “indulgence from parents”. If you make this mistake, most of your essay will be off topic. That is the reason I wrote point 3. Take a look again because it’s an important lesson to learn.
This writing test sample answer makes a whole lots of sense to me. Well appreciated 👍👍👍.
I’m glad it made sense. IELTS isn’t difficult once you understand more about the test and the aims you should have.
Hi, Due to the financial crisis, I lacked many things like IELTS practice/preparation classes and missed many classes from a good teacher like you.
therefore, if you have any better offer like a full free studentship & give me the opportunity. Thank you in advance for your kind coope
This website has hundreds of page of free practice lessons, tips, topics, videos, advice, information, model answers etc. Use them well. Learn from each page and take your time. Then use the IELTS Cambridge test books for full test practice at home.
Thank you so much Liz for your valuable tips and techniques 🙏❤️
I’m glad it was helpful 🙂
Thank you for this it’s very helpful Liz. I greatly appreciate your efforts
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IELTS Writing Task 2: Double Question Essays Types
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A double-question also known as a two-part IELTS essay has low occurrence as compared to other IELTS Task 2 Essay types. However, you must learn to identify this question type and how to deal with it accurately in the real IELTS exam.
We have created this guide to help you produce a high-level response to an IELTS writing task 2 double essay question. Read on for tips, useful language, and a sample double-question essay.
Table of Contents
1.1 understanding the question.
- 1.2 Example double question essay questions
- Essay Structure for Double Question Essays
- 3.1 Identify key words and phrases
3.2 Organise your ideas
3.3 identify vocabulary, 4.1 introduction, 4.2 main body paragraphs, 4.3 conclusion.
- 5.1 Complete the sample double question essay
5.2 Double Question Sample Essay
1. double question essay overview.
Double question essays, often referred to as two-part essay questions , are exactly what they say: instead of dealing with one IELTS question, you have to answer two .
Remember, there are five main types of writing task 2 questions:
- Advantage/disadvantage
- Double question
- Problem/solution
When answering a double question , you still have the same minimum word count ( 250 words ) and the usual time limit for IELTS writing task 2 ( 40 minutes ). You will just have to organise your essay in a slightly different way to other essay types.
It is essential that you address both questions in your introduction and conclusion and you should separate your main body paragraphs logically: focus on the first question in the first body paragraph and the second question in the second body paragraph.
One of the most common mistakes test takers make is that they only answer one question because they have not understood the question type. Make sure you take your time to identify the question type before writing your answer.
1.2 Example Double Question Essay Questions
Take a look at these example IELTS double question essay writing task 2 questions for a range of topics:
The internet is a good source of information and has opened up opportunities for people all over the world.
Is all the information reliable online?
What could be done to control information online?
Also, read the following IELTS Essay Writing Guides
- IELTS Discussion Type Questions
- Opinion-based Task 2 IELTS Guide
- IELTS Advantage Disadvantage Essay Type
- Problem Solution IELTS Writing Task Statement
Many people prefer to watch foreign films rather than locally produced films.
Why could this be?
Should governments give more financial support to local film industries?
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Nowadays, many people have easy access to computers and a large number of children play computer games.
What are the negative impacts of playing computer games?
What can be done to minimise these effects?
In spite of the advances in medicine, many people around the world still die from preventable diseases.
Why is this the case?
What can be done about this problem?
2. Essay Structure for Double Question Essays
Here is a clear and simple structure you can follow for any double-question IELTS writing task 2:
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3. Planning your Double Question Essay
Read on for some useful essay planning tips and techniques.
3.1 Identify keywords and phrases
By this point, you should have identified that you have been given a double question by looking at the instruction words in the question (the clue here is there are two sets of questions ).
The next step is to identify the topic words in the statement that will tell you the general topic of the essay and any other keywords that give you additional information.
Here is an example for our sample question where we have underlined the topic words and put other keywords in bold:
So the general topic here is the internet being a good source of information . Other keywords let us know we need to focus on the reliability of that information and whether controls need to be put in place.
Part of a good essay plan is writing down your ideas. You could do this as we have have done below using the essay structure:
Introduction – Opinion = Some information on the internet can be unreliable/ need some process of control (e.g. fact checking)
Main body paragraph 1 – Majority of information is reliable/ can be verified/ media outlets carry out fact checking
Main body paragraph 2 – Not all information is trustworthy/ misinformation can influence people/ elections can be swayed
Conclusion – Balanced view/ information can be trusted but organisations should be accountable/ government should intervene too much
Notice how we have not used full sentences to save time. You might also write down ideas that you do not use in your actual essay. Make sure to cross through any notes you make before the end of a paper based exam (so they will not be marked by the examiner).
While you are creating your plan, take a note of any useful vocabulary that comes to mind. Here is some that we thought of for the model double question answer:
- Misinformation
- Media outlets
- Accountability
- Fact checking
4. Writing your Double Question Essay
You should start your introduction to a double-question essay in the same way as all other IELTS task 2 essay types : Paraphrase the given IELTS statement .
Let’s look at the example from our sample essay:
Notice that we have mentioned both sides of the argument .
For a double-essay question, you should always include your opinion in the introduction. Here’s our opinion:
In my view, the majority of the information that can be found on the internet is reliable. However, some of this information may be unreliable and therefore, it is important to have some processes in place to carry out fact checking.
And lastly, you can give a brief outline statement that explains what your essay will do, for example:
This essay will explain my opinion in more detail.
Let’s remind ourselves of the suggested structure for your main body paragraphs:
One way of addressing each question, as well as increasing the grammatical range shown in your essay, is to use noun phrases . Using a noun phrase instead of a more standard verb phrase also makes your writing more academic and interesting. Compare the following sentence:
Verb phrase – One advancement in the internet is that t he amount of information available has increased .
Noun phrase – One advancement in recent years is the amount of information available .
You could also noun phrases to describe developments over time . Here is an example:
- In the last few years there has been (a rise/a fall/ an increase/ a decrease) in _____
Your supporting sentences should provide reasons for the opinions given in your topic sentences. You can also use noun phrases to do this.
Here are some sentence starters:
- As a consequence of…
- As a result of…
- Because of…
And here’s an example:
As a result of the wide availability of the internet, there has been an increase in the number of fake news stories.
You must always include a conclusion for any IELTS writing task 2 essay. For a double-question essay conclusion, you should do the following:
- Start with a linking phrase such as In conclusion,…,In summary,…or To sum up,…
- Mention both question from the IELTS statement/question
- Rephrase the opinion given in your introduction
Take a look at our example and try to identify each point:
In conclusion, my view is that although a lot of internet sources can be trusted, there should also be measures put in place to ensure organisations take accountability for spreading misinformation. However, I do not believe that governments should have complete autonomy and control over what adults read on the internet.
5. Example Double Question Essay and Exercise
Time to practise ! Here is the discussion essay that we have been using in this guide. We have removed some keywords so you can test your knowledge on discussion essays by selecting the correct missing word.
5.1 Complete the Sample Double Question Essay
As a result of the development of the internet, people can now access any information they need at the click of a button from anywhere in the world. In my view, the majority of the information that can be found on the internet is reliable. However, some of this information may be unreliable and therefore, it is important to have some processes in place to carry out fact checking. This essay will explain my opinion in more detail.
One reason why the majority of information on the internet can be deemed reliable is that it can be verified by various sources and people also have the opportunity to freely contest information they believe is fake news or untrue. To take one example, large media outlets not only fact check sources they find on the internet, but they also show this to the public and will issue a retraction if anything is found to be untrue.
On the other hand, not all information found online is trustworthy and, as a result, measures need to be put in place to control this misinformation. The biggest downside of this misinformation is that it can be easier for groups to unfairly influence people in situations such as political elections. Therefore, I believe that there should be certain measures put in place to control internet sites. One way to do this is to implement fines to companies consistently spreading untrue information.
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Double Question Sample IELTS Essay – Technology
Nowadays the way people interact with each other has changed because of technology.
In what ways has technology affected the types of relationships people make?
Has this become a positive or negative development?
Modern advancements have altered the way we communicate with one another. This essay will discuss how we can now form bonds with people all over the world, and then state that on the whole, this is a very welcome development.
For the first time in human history, people can communicate with someone they have never met before, in a country they have never been to, through the internet. These may not be the same kind of friendships we traditionally form face-to-face, but it is hard to dispute that they are not ‘relationships’. Social media, such as Facebook and Instagram, provide a platform that allows us to chat and comment on someone else’s life instantaneously. For example, there are now IELTS groups on Facebook where students can help and support each other by providing helpful resources and feedback on essays.
Overall, this new phenomenon has great benefits, principally encouraging tolerance of other cultures. Before computers we hardly ever came across someone from another culture, let alone people from a myriad of different places in one Facebook group. This has led to people understanding that we are all mostly the same and you should not judge someone because they were born in a different place. For example, thousands of Palestinians and Israelis have joined the same online groups that show support for peace and solidarity, something that would not have been possible 25 years ago.
In conclusion, the web has changed our interactions forever, making the world a global village where people can freely chat and form lasting connections and this essay only sees this as a good thing that will continue to bring citizens of the world together.
About Christopher Pell
My name is Christopher Pell and I'm the Managing Director of IELTS Advantage.
I started IELTS Advantage as a simple blog to help 16 students in my class. Several years later, I am very humbled that my VIP Course has been able to help thousands of people around the world to score a Band 7+ in their IELTS tests.
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Double Question Essay IELTS
Navigating the double question essay IELTS challenge begins here, without the overwhelm.
- Key Elements : Understand essential components of a double question essay .
- Structure Mastery : Learn to organize your essay for maximum clarity and coherence.
- Scoring Strategies : Discover techniques to boost your essay score in IELTS Writing Task 2.
Master double question essay IELTS success with precision.
Understanding the Double Question Essay
Decoding the ielts task 2 double question, structuring your double question essay, crafting a compelling introduction, developing the main body paragraphs, concluding your double question essay, strategies to avoid common pitfalls, sample double question essay and analysis, additional resources and practice for ielts writing task 2.
When venturing into the realms of the IELTS Writing Task 2, you might encounter a peculiar type of prompt known as the double question essay . This essay requires you to don your analytical cap and approach not one, but two questions within the same response. Unlike other essay variants that may focus on arguments or discussions, the double question asks for your insights on two separate yet possibly related topics.
What Exactly is a Double Question Essay?
In essence, a double question essay in IELTS presents you with two distinct queries after a brief introduction to a topic. Your job is to craft a balanced, incisive essay that addresses both areas with equal clarity and depth. This sort of essay tests your ability to multitask within your writing, ensuring you can juggle multiple ideas without losing focus on the overarching theme.
Why is the Double Question Essay Important?
Not only does the double question essay assess your writing skills, but it also gauges your critical thinking and ability to formulate coherent, comprehensive responses to complex questions. By conquering this essay form, you’re showcasing your readiness to engage with nuanced discussions in English, a skill highly valued in academic and professional settings.
Understanding the nuts and bolts of the double question essay is paramount for an impressive score in IELTS Writing Task 2. It all starts with deciphering the prompt meticulously.
Identifying the Double Question Essay
Upon encountering your essay prompt, you should seek out two specific things:
- Two distinct questions: Seemingly simple, yet vital, spotting the duo of questions directs your essay’s structure and content.
- Relevance to a single topic: Often, the pair of questions will pivot around a singular theme, providing a unifying thread for your response.
Delving deeply into the double question essay format , you’ll notice that it’s not just about answering two questions–it’s about crafting a unified essay where your answers are interwoven seamlessly.
What Are Examiners Looking For?
Your evaluators seek clarity, coherence, and attention to detail. They want to see that you can:
- Understand and address both questions equally.
- Provide well-reasoned arguments supported by examples.
- Communicate your ideas in a fluent and organized manner.
The dance between providing detailed content for each question and maintaining an integrated essay is key. Getting familiar with double question prompts is indispensable, and a selection of quality practice prompts can be an invaluable resource in your preparation arsenal.
Ensuring your double question essay is neatly packaged and easy to follow is essential. A well-organized structure is your golden ticket to a clear and concise essay.
Optimal Essay Framework
An ideal double question essay should look like this:
- Introduction: Set the stage by paraphrasing the questions and delivering a preview of your essay’s direction.
- Body Paragraph 1: Dive into the first question with a topic sentence, supporting information, and exemplification.
- Body Paragraph 2: Pivot to the second question, mirroring the depth and structure of the first body paragraph.
- Conclusion: Tie everything together with a summary that neatly packages your responses to both questions.
Each section has a purpose. The introduction grabs attention; the body paragraphs delve into the specifics, and the conclusion affords a pleasing resolution.
Achieving Coherence and Cohesion
Linking words and thematic threads will create a tapestry of ideas that interconnect smoothly. Consider employing phrases like “in relation to” or “conversely” to guide your reader through the essay’s pathway. The goal? A single, unified piece of writing that just so happens to address two distinct questions.
The structure you choose is like the spine of your essay – it supports and shapes everything you are about to write. Thus, getting it right can make a significant difference, as outlined in the detailed organization tips found at IELTS Jacky .
A well-crafted introduction is the welcoming handshake of your essay, setting the tone for what’s to come. It should be succinct yet informative, providing just enough to intrigue and inform without overwhelming.
Building The Introduction
To begin your introduction:
- Paraphrase the Prompt: Show off your lexical range by rephrasing the questions posed. This demonstrates comprehension and gets your essay off on the right foot.
- Provide an Outline: Let the reader know what to expect. Briefly hint at how you’ll tackle each question, offering a roadmap of your essay’s journey.
Your introduction is the first impression you make – it’s worth the extra effort to make it a good one. Consider the opening sentences as an opportunity to display your grasp of the task at hand and signal to the reader that they’re in for a considered and cohesive response.
The bulk of your double question essay IELTS challenge lies within the main body of your essay. Here’s where you prove your understanding and offer the meat of your analysis.
Tackling the First Question
- Begin with a Clear Topic Sentence: This is the thesis of your paragraph. Make sure it addresses the first question directly and sets the tone for what is to follow.
- Provide Supporting Details: Back up your initial statement with evidence. How do your ideas hold up under scrutiny? This can include data, quotes, or well-reasoned arguments.
- Illustrate with Examples: Sometimes, a tangible example can crystallize your point better than any explanation. Use real-world scenarios or hypothetical situations to add depth to your argument.
Each paragraph stands as a testament to your ability to discuss one aspect of the prompt in detail. It’s not just about cramming in facts; it’s about developing an argument that flows logically.
Addressing the Second Question
- Seamless Transition: Like a well-oiled machine, the transition from discussing the first question to the second should feel natural. Utilize transition words and phrases to guide your reader.
- Mirroring the First Paragraph: Give the second question the same level of attention and detail as the first. This balance is key to a high-scoring essay.
By structuring your main body paragraphs to handle the duality of the prompt, you’re exemplifying your versatility as a writer. Your task is to keep the examiner captivated, and a well-executed structure works wonders to this end. Riding the waves between questions requires finesse, and resources like IELTS Jacky provide excellent frameworks to follow.
A conclusion isn’t just an end—it’s your chance to leave a lasting impression. Make it count.
Wrapping Up with Purpose
The concluding paragraph of your double question essay IELTS piece is not merely a restatement, but a synthesis of your responses. Here’s how:
- Summarize Main Points: Briefly revisit the crux of your arguments for both questions. Ensure it is concise and reinforces the stance you’ve taken throughout the essay.
- Answer Both Questions: If you haven’t done so clearly in your body paragraphs, now’s the time to definitively state your answers. Satisfy the examiner’s expectations by leaving no doubt as to your position or opinion.
Remember, the conclusion is your essay’s anchor—it secures all your points and answers in a neat package for the examiner to evaluate.
Even seasoned writers can stumble when facing the double question essay IELTS format. Be aware of these traps to stay on the right path.
Dodging the Common Mistakes
- Unequal Attention: Ensuring you don’t lavish too much attention on one question at the expense of the other can be tricky. Balance is essential; both questions deserve equal consideration.
- Off-Topic Rambling: Stay focused. Always tie your points directly back to the questions at hand. Irrelevant detours can harm your score.
- Overcomplication: Your essay should be complex in thought, but clear in expression. Avoid convoluted language that can obscure your points.
Sidestepping these mistakes is not just about caution—it’s about strategy. Consider these points as you plan and draft your essay.
A tangible example is an excellent way to bring all these instructions to life.
Dissecting a High-Scoring Essay
Taking a magnifying glass to a sample essay can unlock valuable insights into successful strategies and approaches. This example essay sheds light on how skilful writers address the technology’s double-edged influence on human interaction and global solidarity.
Your examiners are looking for nuanced thoughts over rote facts. Analyzing sample essays doesn’t just show you what to do; it shows you how to think.
To bolster your essay writing prowess, don’t shy away from utilizing a variety of resources.
Expanding Your Toolkit
Consider diving into resources such as:
- Practice Worksheets: These can help hone your skills in addressing double questions effectively.
- IELTS Writing Guides: Books and online guides offer comprehensive insights into what makes a great IELTS essay.
- Expert Webinars: Tapping into professional insights can give you an edge, especially with nuances unique to the double question essay format.
Your journey to IELTS success is not a solitary one—ample resources await to guide your path.
As you don your writer’s hat to craft a double question essay IELTS masterpiece, remember the journey is as critical as the destination. Understanding the task, structuring your thoughts, and expressing your responses with clarity and coherence are the bricks and mortar of your essay. Engage with the task, respect the rules, and your essay will not just be read—it will be studied, appreciated, and awarded.
Continuous practice, coupled with a rich repository of resources, ensures that you’re not just ready for the double question essay; you’re set up to excel at it.
Double Question Essay IELTS guidance: expert strategies and tips for mastering Writing Task 2 with confidence and ease.
- Double Question Essay In Ielts Writing Task 2
How to Write Double Question Essay in IELTS: Sample & Tips
Over 4 million people appear for the IELTS exam every year to test their English speaking, reading, writing and listening skills and achieve good scores because it is the key to unlock several career opportunities across the world. However, it is not easy because of the double question Essay in IELTS writing task. Now, you might be thinking, why so? Read this blog and explore the answer as it is all about double question IELTS essay writing task.
Table of Contents
What is a Double Question Essay in IELTS?
How to structure an answer in an ielts essay writing task, introduction, body paragraphs, double question essay in ielts sample questions & answers, sample 1 - some parents buy their children whatever they ask for, and allow their children to do whatever they want., sample 2 - the rise of social media platforms has made it easier for people to vent their frustrations and complaints publicly. what is the consequence of this trend is there any benefit to expressing complaints on social media, sample 3 - some children spend hours every day on smartphones. why is this the case do you think this is a positive or negative development, tips for writing double question essay in ielts, common mistakes made by every test taker, q.1 how is a double question essay different from other essay types, q.2 how should i manage time while writing a double question essay, q.3 how much should i write for each question, q.4 how can i make my essay coherent.
A double-question essay in IELTS is the second task of the writing section. In this, test takers have to write a 250-word essay on two co-related questions in a well-structured manner. This task helps to assess the test taker's ability to think and understand the topic and summarize the key pointers to express the main idea. Therefore, you can say that the double question essay IELTS plays a crucial role in scoring well on the exam. But it is not easy because they have to follow a specific structure to answer the IELTS writing task 2. However, let’s see that in this section of the blog.
There is a fixed pattern of starting with an introduction, then writing the body part and at last, winding the topic with the conclusion in the double questions essay writing task. However, in this section, let's see how to write them.
Always start the double question essay structure with an introduction. It will help the reader to get a clear context of your thoughts and questions. Therefore, you can say starting with a strong intro is a good start.
In this, test takers have to express their thoughts on the given topic by summarizing them in 2 small paragraphs. In the first paragraph, they have to explain why they are in favour or against the topic. And, in the second, they have to give suggestions for improvement. Moreover, use lexical resources and specific examples to make your response more effective. This will also help to make the response more realistic.
At the end of the IELTS writing task 2 structure wind up the topic by writing the key pointers to remember from your thoughts. This will help the reader to know and understand the main idea of your comprehension. Moreover, clarify your arguments for the reader and leave a lasting impression, ensuring your essay feels complete and well-structured.
Also Read: IELTS Writing Task 2 Structure of All Essay Types
Now, you know how to structure a double question Essay in IELTS. So, on that note, let's see some sample questions and their answers to understand it better.
Is this a good way to raise children?
What consequences could this style of parenting have for children as they get older?
( Introduction )Today, some parents think that fulfilling all the desires of their children and giving them freedom is the right way of parenting. However, this is an indulgent style of raising and troublesome for their child's development because it has a lot of negative consequences.
( Body 1 ) This method of parenting is not considered to be a good way to raise a child because it fosters love and freedom. Due to this, children fail to learn some crucial skills such as self-discipline, responsibility, and emotional regulation. By always fulfilling the child's demands, parents overlook the opportunity to help their children learn about the limits and value of efforts. Without restrictions, children grow up without understanding the difference between needs and wants.
( Body 2 ) The out-turn of such parenting is seen when the child grows older. Firstly, they may develop a sense of privilege, expecting that people will always regale their needs. However, this could lead to challenges in school, work, and relationships. Additionally, these children may struggle with emotional plasticity, as they are not used to facing sorrow or frustration.
( Conclusion )In conclusion, fulfilling every desire of the child can hinder their emotional, social, and personal development. Therefore, a balanced approach of combining affection with guidance and discipline is crucial to raise a well-adjusted and irrepressible individual.
( Introduction ) Social media platforms are the most convenient way for individuals to publically express their frustrations and complaints. It can have both positive and negative consequences.
( Body 1 ) One of the major consequences of social media platforms is it has the potential to damage the reputations of both individuals and organizations. Publically raised complaints spread in an eye blink and build a negative idea that may not be based on accurate information. Companies may experience significant counterblast even before they have a chance to resolve the issue. Similarly, a personal affront may result in impairment of relationships.
( Body 2 ) However, there are many benefits of posting complaints on social media. It helps encourage businesses to respond quickly to improve their services. This is because individuals who are facing the same issues can unite together and demand improvements by creating pressure on organizations.
( Conclusion ) In conclusion, while the public venting of frustrations on social media can harm reputations, it also promotes accountability. Users should, however, exercise caution and responsibly express their complaints or thoughts online.
( Introduction ) In recent years, the use of smartphones among children has tremendously increased. Every day, children spend hours on their handsets. However, they are given smartphones because of the range of activities they offer, such as online games, social media, and many more, which keep them occupied, making it a convenient solution for parents.
( Body 1 ) I believe that immoderate use of smartphones has more negative consequences than positive ones. It has a drastic impact on a child's physical and mental health. Lengthen screen time can lead to eye strain, and lack of physical activities can lead to health problems like obesity. In addition, more use of smartphones can affect the social skills of the child.
( Body 2 ) Smartphones can also be highly addictive. Due to its excessive use, children may struggle to balance important activities such as playing outdoor games and spending time with family which can affect their physical health and academic performance.
( Conclusion ) Though smartphones offer some benefits, but their excessive use is a cause for concern for children. It is crucial for parents to ensure that technology is growing their children without negatively affecting their overall well-being.
Now, you have gone through the sample answers of IELTS essay. So, let’s see the meaning of difficult or hard to pronounce words used in them.
Also read: IELTS Linking Words for Writing Task 1 & Task 2
Just knowing how to write double question IELTS essay is not enough. You must know some tips to amplify your practice for the exam.
There are some expert tips every student follows for writing the IELTS double question essay. However, you must know them as it will help to ensure the 7+ bands.
- Read and understand the question of the IELTS essay.
- Collect all the points to include and structure your response in an organized manner.
- Always use idioms, phrases, and appropriate linking words for IELTS while writing the essay.
- Don't just state your idea. Use specific examples to make your response more realistic.
- Be direct and clear while writing the essay.
- Improve your vocabulary and grammar for an effective response.
- Practice with IELTS writing mock test papers as it has a variety of double question essay topics.
- Always practice under real exam conditions.
- Know the difference between all the types of essays in IELTS
Just knowing the tips for the IELTS essay is not enough as there are some common mistakes every student makes while writing the double question essay. However, let's highlight some of them in this section of the blog.
While writing the double question essay in IELTS, many test takers make some unavoidable mistakes. Due to this, they fail to achieve good bands. Every aspirant going to appear for the IELTS exam must know them as it will benefit them in several ways.
- As you know, the IELTS double question essay is a combination of two related questions on a topic. Many test takers focus more on one topic and ignore the other one. So, they must be careful while reading the question.
- Many aspirants write off-topic answers that don't directly respond to the specific questions asked.
- Some of the test takers don't structure their answers properly. Due to this, they mix the answers of both questions.
- Some of them either miss or make the introduction and conclusion too short.
- Just write general statements without using examples.
- Some of the aspirants write too much about one question and give a very short answer for the other.
- Repeating the same points or ideas multiple times. Moreover, paraphrase the same idea without including new intuition.
- Lack of interlinking words between paragraphs.
Writing an IELTS essay can be challenging because of double question topics in the second part of the section because, in this task, students have to follow a structure of starting with an introduction, then writing the main body and then ending with a conclusion.
However, there are some common mistakes made by students every year. So, they must take expert guidance and follow some tips to structure their response and secure 7+ bands on the exam.
In a double question essay, aspirants have to answer two co-related direct questions. On the other hand, in the IELTS essay, they just have to write their opinion or the solution for the problem given in the questions of the other IELTS essay writing topics.
Aspirants get 60 minutes to solve the 2 parts of the IELTS writing section. This time is further divided into 20 minutes for the 1st part. Now, you have 40 minutes, which you have to wisely utilize as:
5 Minutes: For analyzing and understanding both questions
30 Minutes: To write a well-structured 250-word essay.
5 Minutes: To proofread grammar, spelling, and sentence structures.
It is important to focus on both the questions. Therefore, you must write 1 paragraph of roughly equal length for each question.
Coherent means clear and easy to understand. You can make your response coherent by answering directly with the use of linking words, examples, phrases , and idioms .
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IELTS Writing Task 2 – Double Question Essay
This type of question is sometimes called a double question or direct question essay. there is always a statement followed by 2 questions, these questions may be linked or completely different..
This post will give you examples of this type of question and talk about how to plan an answer.
Later I will explain the most common mistakes when writing this type of essay and show you how you can plan a Double Question essay.
Examples Of Double Question
It is predicted that robots are going to become increasingly important in our lives.
How could robots be used in the future? Will this development be a positive or negative development?
Success is often measured by wealth and material possessions.
Do you think wealth is the best measure of success? What makes a successful person?
Nowadays governments are investing more in public transport such as buses and trains rather than in building new roads.
What are the reasons for this?
Is this a positive or negative development?
In education and employment, some people work harder than others.
Why do some people work harder? Is it always a good thing to work hard?
Happiness is often considered difficult to define.
Why is this? What factors determine happiness?
Common Mistakes
The most common mistakes that students make when writing this type of essay are:
- Not answering one of the questions
- Not addressing both questions in the introduction
- Thinking it is another type of essay
Lots of students either only answer one question or focus too much on answering one question leading to a partially complete essay. Either of these will negatively affect the Task Response score.
Introducing the things that you will talk about in the introduction is vital. It tells the reader what to expect and reminds you of what is important in your essay.
Analysing the question properly and planning the essay in advance should reduce the risk of making any of these errors.
Planning An Answer
- Paraphrase the question
- Outline what the essay will include – state your answer to both questions
Main body paragraph 1 – Answer question 1
- Topic sentence – State your answer
- Explanation – Develop the idea
- Example – Give an example/consequence
Main body paragraph 2 – Answer question 2
- Topic sentence – Give your answer
- Summarise both questions and answers
As you can see, planning a Double Question Essay is quite easy and is very similar to planning other types of IELTS Writing Task 2 essays. However, care must be taken to address each question fully or your overall score may suffer.
Make sure that you practice answering each type of essay so that you are ready for the test.
For information about the other IELTS Writing Task 2 question types see below:
Opinion essay
Advantages and disadvantages essay
Discussion essay
Problem solution essay
Double question essay
How to write double question essay in IELTS writing task 2
- IELTS Writing Task 2
Before starting this topic let’s have an overview of what Writing Task 2 means?
Quick Review
IELTS Writing task 2 is the second task of the writing test. In this task, you will be presented with some point of view, an argument, or with any type of problem, justifying an opinion, discussing the topic, summarizing details, identifying possible solutions, and supporting what you write with reasons. The format of writing the essay should be formal and it should at least have a word count of 250 words in length and you have to cover your task in 40 minutes. This part has more weight in scoring than writing task 1. The IELTS writing task 2 is based on using the right technique.
Let’s Begin;
Topics to be covered:
- Double question Essay Introduction
- Essay Structure
- Marking Criteria
- Planning of the Essay
- Essay writing
- Common Mistakes to Avoid
Before starting first have a look at the example, that will make the topic more clear.
Examples : 1: Nowadays the government is investing more in public transport such as buses and trains rather than building new roads. What is the reason for this? Is this a positive or negative development? 2: Living in large cities today poses many problems for people. What are these problems? Should the government encourage more people to live in small towns? 3: Nowadays the way people interact with each other has changed because of technology? In what ways has technology affected the relationship that people make? Has this become a positive or negative development?
Now have a look at the examples above.
Taking the first example in the reference you will notice that in the first part, the question wants to ask for the reason that why is the government doing this, and in the second part, the question is asking about the opinion that what you think is it positive or negative development?
Brainstorm your Ideas
Before you start writing spend a little bit of time of about 3 to 4 minutes thinking and planning your ideas. Keep looking back at the questions to make sure you aren’t drifting off-topic.
As per example 1, you can have both positive and negative responses but keep in mind that if the examiner thinks that you not presented your topic clearly then you will lose your marks.
So, if you are a super strong writer and can convey your opinion clearly and within the time limit, I suggest taking a strong position and sticking with it in the IELTS Double Question Essay.
Your real opinion doesn’t matter; this is about getting a good IELTS score.
Marking Criteria of IELTS Writing Test
- Task Achievement
- Cohesion and Coherence
- Lexical Resource
- Grammar Range & Accuracy
Each criterion has an equal weightage of 25%. Task Achievement: This refers to how clear and structured is your essay. You can increase your marking for the achievement of your task by connecting your sentences to each other and by linking the desired word & sign points. You need to extend your answers up to the mark with all the relevant details. Apart from this, you need to answer both the questions fully and outline your both answers in the introduction. Cohesion and Coherence: Concisely crafted pieces, written in not more than four paragraphs with a logically central idea is what your examiner is looking for. Your score in this criterion depends on your ability to present your ideas in a structured manner, with the right linking words supporting the body of the written piece and having a central topic flowing in a particular paragraph. Lexical Resources: You can score well in this particular section by keeping in mind just three things: Your ability to use appropriate words Your ability to use the words in their right collocative manner And, your ability to spell those words right. These three tips will go a long way as far as this particular section is concerned. Grammatical Range of Accuracy: This section refers to how good your grammar skills are. To increase your marking for GRA always try to avoid grammatical mistakes and try to use advanced grammatical structures as much as you can, examples can include- passive voice, direct speech, different tenses and unconditional sentences, etc.
Do remember that each of the criteria has an equal weightage of 25%. So give your equal efforts on every topic and don't skip any of them.
Let’s be clear with the sample framework- Introduction Background statement Paraphrasing the question Thesis statement(In my opinion/ This essay states….) Body Paragraph 1 Start with the 1st topic sentence/the main point. Explain the main point Give an example Give Closing Statement Body Paragraph 2 Start with the 2nd topic sentence/the main point. Explain the main point Give an example Closing statement. Conclusion To conclude or to sum up. (paraphrase the essay) In my opinion/ As the essay discussed. (if your opinion is asked)
Three-step Planning of Double Question Essay
- Analyze the question
- Highlight the keyword
- Brainstorm all the ideas, explanations, and vocabulary.
#1- Analysing the Question This is the first and important step in answering the question and make sure you answer the question fully. It is easy to do. These tell you exactly what type of information is required and each will become the topic for one of the two main body paragraphs.
#2 Highlight the Keyword The next task is to highlight the keywords. First, you have to identify the topic words of the essay, then generalize the other keywords that will tell you the specific things asked in the question to write. Then discuss the instruction words.
#3 Brainstorm all the ideas, explanation, and vocabulary In this section, you have to try generating new ideas. There are many different ways through which you can create new ideas and think up ideas. Think up with simple answers that you strain in your daily life rather than thinking of something extraordinary and using high-level language. There is so much to write about this topic that we have to be very careful we don’t try to include too many different ideas and just end up with a list for each question rather than a well-developed essay.
Let’s Clear it with a suitable example
It is predicted that robots are going to become increasingly important in our life. How could robots be used in the future? Will it be a positive or negative development?
Step 1- Analysis of the Question. What type of question is this? How could robots be used in the future? Will it be a positive or negative development? This is a double question type of question.
Step 2- Highlight keywords in the question It is predicted robots are becoming increasingly important in our life. How could robots be used in the future? Will it be a positive or negative development? Address all the parts given in the question. (Task achievement )
Step 3- Brainstorm all the types of ideas, explanations, and vocabulary.
Introduction Background statement(Role of artificial intelligence)+ Rephrase the question+ Thesis Statement.
Body Paragraph 1 Part 1- Accuracy, conformity, consistency, extend role at various places like hospitals. Example.
Body Paragraph 2 Part 2- Positive impacts, outsourcing hazardous task, meet demand in a different area. Example.
Conclusion Restate the question and your opinion.
Sample answer
The role of artificial intelligence is assumed to be evolving in everybody’s life in the time to come. This essay will highlight some feasible applications of robots in the future and explain why this development will be an advantageous one for humanity.
Undoubtedly, robots are going to play a major role in many fields that require utmost accuracy, consistency, uniformity and are even risky. For example, today humans are sent to war or to fight fires or explore space, in the future, these tasks could be performed by robots. In addition to such roles, robots could also become more commonplace in hospitals and aged to the facilities where they may also be able to interact with and support patients when nurses or carers are in limited supply. Indeed such developments are already underway.
Clearly, these advancements in robotics and Artificial Intelligence will have a positive impact on society. By, outsourcing hazardous tasks, human workers will be less prone to injury or death. If robots are able to extinguish fires or disarm bombs efficiently, society too will be safer. For example, in the health sector, even though some may worry that robots lack the empathy and understanding of the human worker, the fact is that demand for health care workers exceeds supply in many places, which means there is a dire need for extra help. This demand could well be met by robots with artificial intelligence in the decades to come.
In the conclusion, the potential of robotics is still unexplored in our lives. In my opinion, with some precautionary steps contribution of the robots can be turned beneficial for the future generation.
Common Mistakes to Avoid Not supporting your ideas with an explanation If you don’t support your ideas with the proper explanation and are not able to support your explanation with a good example then there might be a chance of getting a low band score. Answering only one side If you don’t give an answer to both parts of the questions. You tend to answer only the first or the second part and don’t support your answer. Answering to the single part of the question and leaving the other blank will reduce your band score. Repetition of the Words Work with your idea structure and try avoiding repeating your words. Repeating your words continuously can decrease your word count and avoid this try using synonyms, phrases, etc. Exceeding word limit and illogical structure Try avoiding using extra words that could let you exceed your word count limit. And try to be as logical as you could be. Writing the perfect statement with the proper structure will help you get a good band score.
Always remember no one comes extra-ordinary but your practice can make you. Happy Learning.
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1.1 Understanding the question. When answering a double question , you still have the same minimum word count (250 words) and the usual time limit for IELTS writing task 2 (40 minutes).You will just have to organise your essay in a slightly different way to other essay types.. It is essential that you address both questions in your introduction and conclusion and you should separate your main ...
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Decoding the IELTS Task 2 Double Question. Understanding the nuts and bolts of the double question essay is paramount for an impressive score in IELTS Writing Task 2. It all starts with deciphering the prompt meticulously. Identifying the Double Question Essay. Upon encountering your essay prompt, you should seek out two specific things:
A double-question essay in IELTS is the second task of the writing section. In this, test takers have to write a 250-word essay on two co-related questions in a well-structured manner. This task helps to assess the test taker's ability to think and understand the topic and summarize the key pointers to express the main idea.
This type of question is sometimes called a double question or direct question essay. There is always a statement followed by 2 questions, these questions may be linked or completely different. ... For information about the other IELTS Writing Task 2 question types see below: Opinion essay. Advantages and disadvantages essay. Discussion essay ...
IELTS Writing Task 2 double question essays are also called 'direct question' 'hybrid question' or 'two questions' essays.Students taking the IELTS writing test must know that the double questions essays have two characteristics:. The question type will have one statement with two different questions after it.
IELTS Writing task 2 is the second task of the writing test. In this task, you will be presented with some point of view, an argument, or with any type of problem, justifying an opinion, discussing the topic, summarizing details, identifying possible solutions, and supporting what you write with reasons.